June 9, 2022: IRES Special Seminar with Daniel Olivares Quero
Join Professor Olivares on June 9th as he talks about “The Role of Distributed Energy Resources in the Long-Term Energy Planning in Chile: Models, Projections and Policy Implications”.
April 27, 2022: IRES Special Seminar with Alain Nadaï
The urgent need to prevent the worst effects of climate change and to preserve a habitable earth is widely recognized. The massive shift to non-fossil forms of energy, so-called renewables, confronts us with (new) pulsations of ecosystems (wind speed, solar radiation, ocean currents) and the need to install infrastructure in a myriad of new environments. This changes our relation to energy and the environment, and raises questions of acceptance in many countries.
March 3, 2022: IRES Student Seminar with Celeste Pomerantz and Atlanta-Marinna Grant
Two students talk about “Decarbonizing Canada’s Remote and Off-Grid Communities: Assessing the feasibility of Implementing Energy Storage Technologies to Reduce Fossil Fuel Dependency” and “From Food ‘Waste’ to Food ‘Cycle’: biocultural heritage and the sharing of oral histories for secure and sovereign communities.”
March 17, 2022: IRES Student Seminar with Georgia Green and Justin Huynh
Two Students talk about “Characterizing Diverging Perspectives of Relevance for Chemicals Policy” and “Predicting the Impact of Minerals for a Low-Carbon Energy Transition”
March 24, 2022: IRES Faculty Seminar with Danielle Ignace
Dr. Ignace talks about “Broadening our approach to find community-driven solutions to environmental challenges”
April 7, 2022: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Andrea Reimer
How many times have you seen great ideas take much longer to come to fruition than they needed to, or even fail altogether, because people or politics got in the way? Power informs the way we take up space and whether or not we leave room for others. How we unconsciously accept the way the playing field is tilted and cede ground to other people also reinforces power structures.
April 14, 2022: IRES Student Symposium
Three IRES Students talk about “Exploring a mercury mystery: Weaving Western Science and Inuvialuit Knowledge to model the drivers of mercury pollution in the Beaufort Sea food web”, “Boosting understanding of lifestyle carbon emissions: Evaluating the effectiveness of personal carbon calculators to promote climate action”, and “Understanding people’s assessment of risks from nuclear energy in India.”
March 31, 2022: IRES Faculty Seminar with Naomi Zimmerman
This seminar is co-sponsored by UBC IRES & UBC CERC (UBC Clean Energy Research Centre).
February 17, 2022: IRES Faculty Seminar with Kathryn Harrison
She will reflect on her attendance at COP26 in Glasgow, which followed the first working group report from the IPCC’s sixth assessment, and was the first critical “ratchet” period where countries are expected to increase their target ambition under the Paris Agreement.
February 10, 2022: IRES Student Seminar with Helina Jolly and Allison Cutting
Helina’s talk: Reimagining Conservation Landscapes: Adivasi Characterizations of The Human-Dimensions of Southern Indian Forests
Allison’s talk: A Closer Look into Bycatch for Improved Marine Conservation and Management Design