News and Events

October 10, 2024: IRES Student Seminar with Alberto Campos

Two of our students will be presenting their research: Alberto Campos and another student, TBA!

UBC Micro-certificate in Climate Action Planning: Foundations, Finance and Implementation

This course is for local policy makers, planners, industry players and anyone interested in learning the foundation and practicalities of climate action planning—the goal of the program is to build capacity in different sectors to advance climate action. A background in climate change is not required!

September 19, 2024: IRES Seminar with Yoonchung Chin

What are the biggest challenges to overcome in order to decarbonize heavy industry? What technological innovation can be adopted and how? What are the policy implications and priorities to consider?

Global effort to end plastic pollution 

Dr. Kai Chan discussed the global effort to end plastic pollution on CTV Morning Live

Red gold: Climate change plays role as saffron cultivation comes to Nova Scotia

Dr. Navin Ramankutty is featured in City News, he discusses how farmers are adapting to warming temperatures and climate change.

Your fridge is a place where fresh food goes to die. That doesn’t have to happen. 

Professor Dr. Jiaying Zhao discussed how to organize your fridge to reduce food waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

What’s the secret to a more sustainable future?

Dr. Kai Chan is featured in Broadview for being optimistic about climate action and his belief that the answer lies in the power of community.

‘This work matters’: How Vancouver’s biggest hospital is redefining food in health care

t Dr. Annie Lalande co-led the Planetary Health Menu project which introduced plant-based and sustainable food choices to patients in hospital.

Beyond personal carbon impacts, seeking a more sustainable planet 

Professor Dr. Kai Chan discussed ecological footprint calculators which calculates how much of the environment is needed to sustain a particular lifestyle.

Deniers and doomers are leading the carbon tax opposition 

Dr. Kathryn Harrison (political science) and Dr. Simon Donner (geography, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries) wrote about the importance of Canada’s carbon tax

Sustainable farming does pay off, B.C. scientists find  

Dr. Claire Kremen co-authored a study which found that replacing single-crop farming with a diversity of plants, animals and farming techniques will maintain food production while increasing farmers’ income and reducing negative impacts on the environment and climate.

How do droughts impact the production of goods? 

Professor Dr. Kai Chan discussed how droughts affect crop health and productivity.

EV owners have to drive farther to break even, study suggests 

A new study co-authored by PhD student Bassam Javed and Dr. Amanda Giang explored electric vehicle costs across different provinces and territories.

April 4, 2024: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Dr. Mark Drever

Dr. Mark Drever will speak about his ongoing research on Western Sandpipers and their reliance on essential nutrients available on intertidal biofilm

What’s behind India’s farmer protests? For one thing, climate change 

Dr. Balsher Singh Sidhu, adjunct professor in UBC’s Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, said Indian farmers are facing difficulty growing rice and wheat because of more frequent heat waves and drought

April 11, 2024: IRES Faculty Seminar with Michael Brauer

What management policies are necessary for the global health impacts from environmental risks? Dr. Michael Brauer discusses this and more.

April 18, 2024: IRES Student Symposium with Lindah Ddamba, Remzi Xhemalce-Fuentes, Dayna Rachkowski (Last Seminar in Term 2)

Talk titles at Student Symposium: 1. Energy Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of the Factors Inhibiting Accelerated Progress 2. EXPLORING EMPOWERMENT THROUGH BILL S-5: building government accountability in chemicals management using a right to a healthy environment 3. IMAGINING POSSIBLE ROLES FOR GREEN HYDROGEN IN MEXICO. Between Hype and a Leapfrogging Opportunity