When you register as a graduate student at UBC, you commit to devote the time and energy needed to engage in research and write a thesis or dissertation. Your supervisor has a right to expect substantial effort, initiative, respect and receptiveness to suggestions and criticisms.
As a graduate student, you must accept the rules, procedures and standards in place in the program and at the university. It is your responsibility to check the University Calendar for regulations regarding academic and non-academic matters. You are also expected to:
- Make a commitment and show dedicated efforts to gain the background knowledge and skills needed to pursue your research project successfully.
- Adhere to deadlines: In conjunction with your supervisor, develop a plan and timetable for completion of all stages of your thesis project, adhere to a schedule and meet appropriate deadlines and timely program completion.
- Regularly report your progress: Meet with your supervisor when requested and report fully and regularly on progress and results.
- Registration and study permit: Maintain continuous full-time registration throughout the duration of your program (including summer terms). For international students, ensure that study permits and (where applicable) employment authorization documents are kept up to date.
- Accessibility: Keep your supervisor, the RES office and UBC Student Service Centre (SSC) updated with your most recent contact information.
- Keep an open mind: Give serious consideration to the advice and criticisms received from your supervisor and other members of your supervisory committee.
- Financial planning: Be thoughtful and reasonably frugal in using resources provided by your supervisor and the University. It is important to appropriately budget your funding for the duration of your program. We strongly encourage you to be aware/seek additional financial resources to support your research.
- Conformity to requirements and regulations: Conform to University (UBC), Faculty of Science and RES graduate program requirements.
For more details on student responsibilities, please consult the G+PS guidelines.