IRES Seminar Series
Time: 12:30pm to 1:30pm (every Thursday)
Location: AERL Theatre (room 120), 2202 Main Mall
Open Access Repository and Publication
Speaker Bios:
Tara Stephens-Kyte
Tara Stephens-Kyte is a Digital Repository Librarian at cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository. She considers this to be a pioneering role that draws on diverse areas of interest including open access publishing, scholarly research impact metrics, and building research networks, among others.
Leonora Crema
Leonora Crema is UBC‘s Scholarly Communications Librarian. She assists faculty and students with a variety of scholarly publishing issues including author rights, impact metrics, meeting granting agency open access requirements, and new modes of digital dissemination. Leonora was absent from the seminar due to illness.
Kai Chan
Kai Chan is a professor at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia. Kai is an interdisciplinary, problem-oriented sustainability scientist, trained in ecology, policy, and ethics from Princeton and Stanford Universities. He strives to understand how social-ecological systems can be transformed to be both better and wilder. Kai leads CHANS lab (, Connecting Human and Natural Systems; he is a Leopold Leadership Program fellow, a director on the board of the BC chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), a director on the board of the North American section of the Society for Conservation Biology, a member of the Global Young Academy, a senior fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program, a coordinating lead author for the IPBES Global Assessment, and (in 2012) the Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
To view presentation slides, click here.
Photo credit: Thomas Chung from flickr/Creative Commons