March 17, 2016: Student Lecture
Maery Kaplan-Hallam & Jill Guerra

IRES Seminar Series

Time: 12:30-1:30 pm

Location: AERL Theatre (room 120), 2202 Main Mall

Details TBA


Maey Kaplan-Hallam


Maery is a Master of Arts student working under the direction of Drs. Terre Satterfield and Nathan Bennett. She entered the interdisciplinary environment of IRES after completing a Bachelor of Arts in Geography from the University of Victoria where her coursework focused on human geography, natural resource management, and environmental sustainability. Her primary research interests include natural resource governance & management and the intersections of perception, livelihoods, and change processes within social-ecological systems.

Marine protected areas (MPAs), increasingly implemented, have produced both positive and negative consequences for adjacent communities. Maery’s current work contributes to research on the human dimensions of conservation by situating MPA governance within a context of broader social-ecological changes affecting coastal communities. Her research is grounded through a qualitative investigation of changes, impacts and adaptations in a fishing village located within a Mexican biosphere reserve and is supported by both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Mitacs.


Jill Guerra


With a background in international development, economics and Latin American studies, Jill has long been studying issues of poverty, inequality and sustainable development – both in the classroom and in the field. In recent years her research focus has narrowed in on the role of the food system in improving, or sadly exacerbating, instances of poverty and inequality around the world.  Taking a social-ecological perspective and guided by tenets of food sovereignty and agroecology, her work highlights the connections and trade-offs between social and economic well being like food security or sustainable employment and the challenge of achieving agro-environmental sustainability. Her Master’s research within the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability probes these connections and trade-offs. Through a case study of Brazil’s National School Feeding Program (Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar – PNAE), Jill’s research explores how the incentives within the PNAE can improve the wellbeing of the country’s often marginalized family farmers while also encouraging their transition to organic agriculture and/or agroecology – systems of farming intended to be more environmentally sustainable. Her research employs mixed methods analyzing Brazilian agricultural census data while adding important nuances through in-depth, qualitative interviews conducted with a sample of farmers participating in the program. She hopes that her interdisciplinary research will contribute to growing sustainability literature highlighting the challenges and opportunities for creating a more sustainable and just food system.