Science Communication Skills: Lay Abstracts and Digital Profiles
Time: 12:30pm to 1:20pm
Location: Beaty Museum Theatre (2212 Main Mall)
Click here to view video.
Talk summary:
Help improve the reach of your research and your skills! Communicating your work to a wider audience can help inform policy and society, and gets you hired. Join Nivi Thatra for this free workshop covering how to
1- write a lay abstract/summary of your research, which is a requirement for all UBC grad students when submitting your dissertation and,
2- getting starting with or refining your professional online presence.
Please bring a research topic, paper, or online profile (IRES profile, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or ORCID iD, ResearcherID and/or Google Scholar profile) on which to practice your newfound skills. This hour is for YOU… use it to check off part of your dissertation, prep for a presentation, or update your professional profiles.

Nivi is a communicator with a scientific sense of curiosity. After 10 years learning about and working in neuroscience, Nivi now broadens the reach of academic research at IRES by writing, posting, and sharing the department’s interdisciplinary efforts towards a more sustainable future.