IRES/RES Student Symposium
Time: 1pm – 4:30pm
Location: AERL Theatre (main floor), 2202 Main Mall
(BBQ and Cash Bar afterwards from 4:30pm to 8pm)
This event showcases the research done by our current RES Master and PhD students.
[Photo Credit: Jonathan Taggart]
Simon Harding, PhD Candidate – no video available
Alicia Speratti, PhD Candidate
Leo Glaser, MSc Student
Chloe Sher, MA Student – no video available
Mike Lathuillière, PhD Candidate
Jackie Yip, PhD Candidate – no video available
Available Videos:
Leo Glaser
Talk Title: Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Energy Evaluation of University Buildings
Mike Lathuillière
Talk Title: Water Footprints: Freshwater volumes and impact assessment