April 6, 2017: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speakers: Hadi Dowlatabadi and Justin Ritchie
(Last IRES Seminar for Term 2)
This is a joint presentation with Hadi Dowlatabadi and Justin Ritchie. Photo credit: Moyan Brenn from flickr/Creative Commons
June 9, 2017: IRES Special Seminar
Speaker: Jonah Busch
Time: 11am in UBC AERL Theatre
Photo credit: Stiller Beobachter from flick/Creative Commons
April 13, 2017: IRES Student Symposium
Seminar Videos are now available
The IRES Student Symposium showcases the research of our graduate students. Photo credit: Andy Morffew from flickr/Creative Commons
November 15, 2017: Green College Seminar
Hope in the Anthropocene Series
Speaker: Jeannette Armstrong
Photo credit: Laura Sawchuk
March 30, 2017: IRES Special Seminar
Speaker: Claire Kremen
University of California Berkeley
A special IRES Seminar. Photo credit: Matthew Smith from flickr/Creative Commons
October 13, 2016: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speaker: Gunilla Öberg
IRES faculty member Gunilla Öberg presenting on October 13. Photo Credit: Gunilla Öberg/Artist Dino Pai
March 16, 2017: IRES Student Seminar
Speakers: Sophia Murphy and Mollie Chapman
Two RES PhD Candidates will be presenting. Photo credit: Edna Winti from flickr/Creative Commons
March 23, 2017: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speaker: Bejoy Thomas
This is a joint event with UBC IRES and UBC Farm. Photo credit: Photo credit: ACCUWa project team
November 24, 2016: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speaker: Nathan Bennett
IRES Postdoctoral Fellow Nathan Bennett will be presenting. Photo credit: Sameer Shah.
January 19, 2017: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speaker: Milind Kandlikar
IRES Faculty Milind Kandlikar will be presenting. Photo credit: Global Panorama from flickr/Creative Commons