has video

February 9, 2017: IRES Student Seminar  Speakers: Anna Schuhbauer and Guillaume Peterson St-Laurent

February 9, 2017: IRES Student Seminar
Speakers: Anna Schuhbauer and Guillaume Peterson St-Laurent

Two RES PhD Candidates will be presenting. Photo credit: Laura Blankenship from flickr/Creative Commons

March 2, 2017: IRES Professional Development Seminar  Speakers: Tara Stephens-Kyte, Leonora Crema and Kai Chan
September 15, 2016: IRES Faculty Seminar  Speaker: Daniel Karp (first seminar for Term 1)

September 15, 2016: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speaker: Daniel Karp (first seminar for Term 1)

Daniel Karp is Killam Postdoctoral Fellow in IRES. Photo credit: Jill Guerra.

September 29, 2016: IRES Faculty Seminar  Speaker: Peter Klein

September 29, 2016: IRES Faculty Seminar
Speaker: Peter Klein

Peter Klein is an Emmy Award-winning journalist and an Associate Professor in the UBC Graduate School of Journalism. Photo credit: Pete O’Shea from flickr/Creative Commons.

September 22, 2016: IRES Student Seminar  Speakers: Aaron Moguin and Sara Elder

September 22, 2016: IRES Student Seminar
Speakers: Aaron Moguin and Sara Elder

RES MA student Aaron Moguin and RES PhD Candidate Sara Elder will be presenting. Photo credit: ohbernadine from flickr/Creative Commons.

October 6, 2016: IRES Professional Development Seminar  Speakers: Sophia Murphy, Kirsten Dales and Conor Reynolds

October 6, 2016: IRES Professional Development Seminar
Speakers: Sophia Murphy, Kirsten Dales and Conor Reynolds

This seminar will have 3 panelists. Photo credit: Audrey from flickr/Creative Commons.

February 4, 2016: Guest Lecture Julian Yates

February 4, 2016: Guest Lecture
Julian Yates

Julian Yates on “Between metaphor and practice: environmental governance and the decolonial option in the Peruvian Andes”.

February 25, 2016: Professional Development Seminar  Juanita Sundberg

February 25, 2016: Professional Development Seminar
Juanita Sundberg

Juanita Sundberg, UBC Associate Professor from the Department of Geography, will be speaking at the IRES Seminar Series. [Photo Credit: juanitasundberg.wordpress.com]

April 7, 2016: Faculty Lecture  Leila Harris

April 7, 2016: Faculty Lecture
Leila Harris

Leila Harris on “Assessing States, Differentiating Citizens: Perspectives on water services and evolving state-society relations in Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa”.

April 14, 2016: IRES/RES Student Symposium

April 14, 2016: IRES/RES Student Symposium

IRES/RES Student Symposium Time: 1pm – 4:30pm Location: AERL Theatre (main floor), 2202 Main Mall (BBQ and Cash Bar afterwards from 4:30pm to 8pm) This event showcases the research done by our current RES Master and PhD students. [Photo Credit: Jonathan Taggart] Speakers: Simon Harding, PhD Candidate – no video available Alicia Speratti, PhD Candidate […]