
David Boyd’s message for the Environmental Rights Initiative in Brazil

David Boyd’s message for the Environmental Rights Initiative in Brazil

IRES Professor David R. Boyd, Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, delivers a video message for the Environmental Rights Initiative in Brazil.

November 8, 2018: Seminar with Nathan Bendriem & Weildler Guerra Curvelo

November 8, 2018: Seminar with Nathan Bendriem & Weildler Guerra Curvelo

Join IRES on Nov. 8 for Nathan Bendriem’s talk on “Economic Analysis of Genomic Technologies used to Enhance Coho Broodstock” and Weildler Guerra Curvelo’s talk on “Wayuu Ontology: a relationship between time, Wayuu people, and the non-human world.”

Reflections from Mayor Gregor Robertson, City of Vancouver

Reflections from Mayor Gregor Robertson, City of Vancouver

Join us for an informal conversation reflecting on Gregor Robertson’s decade as Mayor of Vancouver. This event is hosted by Professor David Boyd (SPPGA and IRES) and is part of SPPGA’s Policy in Practice series.

IRES welcomes Interim Director Navin Ramankutty

Please welcome Navin Ramankutty, Interim Director for IRES until July 2019.

How to conserve half the planet without going hungry

How to conserve half the planet without going hungry

New research by Zia Mehrabi, Erle C. Ellis and Navin Ramankutty explores the “Half-Earth” project and how it would affect our food supplies.

Hannah Wittman promoted to Full Professor

Hannah Wittman promoted to Full Professor

Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Wittman on her promotion to Full Professor, effective July 1, 2018.

David Boyd appointed UN expert on human rights and the environment

David Boyd appointed UN expert on human rights and the environment

This August, IRES Professor David Boyd takes on the role of Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment for the UN Human Rights Council. In this Q+A, he discusses priorities for his three-year mandate, and where Canada fits into the international context.

Mark Johnson Promoted to Full Professor

Mark Johnson Promoted to Full Professor

Congratulations to Dr. Mark Johnson on his promotion to Full Professor, effective July 1, 2018.

What can other cities learn about water shortages from “Day Zero”?

What can other cities learn about water shortages from “Day Zero”?

In this op-ed in The Conversation, Lucy Rodina and Kieran Findlater discuss water shortages in Cape Town and the importance of creating water-resilient cities.

Congratulations to the 2017/2018 Freda Pagani Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2017/2018 Freda Pagani Award Winners

Liz Williams and Kieran Findlater are the 2017/2018 recipients of the Freda Pagani Award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis and the Freda Pagani Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation