Gunilla Öberg

Portrait photo of Gunilla Öberg

Gunilla Öberg

Professor, IRES

Contact Details


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Google Scholar

IRES profile: (you are here)

AERL Room 447
2202 Main Mall
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Research Interests

Chemicals management, Science for policy, Perceived expertise, Environment, Sustainability


Dr. Gunilla Öberg is inspired by her experience as a leader of complex interdisciplinary research and education and her in-depth knowledge of chlorine biogeochemistry, environment and sustainability.

In the Egesta Lab, Öberg’s group focuses on the production of science for policy and the notion of expertise in complex areas where science is uncertain and disputed. At present her projects deal with chemicals management and how to teach science students about the ethical implications of science.

Prospective Students

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In IRES, we receive an overwhelming number of emails from students worldwide. Many are of mass-mail type. This is not a wise approach if you wish a recipient to respond to your email. Like most of my colleagues, I will not respond to this type of email. It is not sufficient to say that you are interested in ‘sustainability’ or ‘interdisciplinarity’– you need to be more specific and it is wise to read up on your potential supervisors’ websites before sending them an email. Note: it is wise to go to the professor’s website to check their preferred pronoun before sending an email starting with the greeting ‘Dear Sir’.

You can find many potential supervisors at UBC here.

I encourage you to use keywords to search on the site for topics that match your interests. Having found a few suitable supervisors, search for their publications and read at least three papers from each potential supervisor. If you are not affiliated with a university you can access most papers via SciHub. Then use their website to contact some of their current and past students.  These students can tell you if the university and researcher have been supportive and met their needs — or at least highlight some of the challenges you will need to address if you get into that program. Once you have completed all this research, decide who you would like to work with and contact them. When you write to the professors, mention their work explicitly to show that you understand what they do and that you are not just writing to them at random. How you approach this step in your search for a position is critical to finding a supportive mentor. Also, do seek peer support or guidance on this process from your current school’s program advisors/ professors/ teachers.

A large number of students apply to the RES program, so competition is fierce. Please check your eligibility here

It is important that you check that you meet our minimum criteria.  If you are eligible, the admission committee will review your academic background and your proposal. We also require a CV and we assess funding options. It is not required to bring your own funding (and having funding does not guarantee that an applicant is accepted). The funding situation for international students in Canada is unfortunately rather disappointing. Hence, if you write a strong proposal and you have secured funding from elsewhere, your chances of getting accepted increase. Details regarding the formalities are found on IRES website and if you still have further questions on such issues, please contact our graduate program manager.



Ataria, James; Parata, Te Kaurinui; Moores, Audrey; Iti, Huia; Hill, Christopher; Chiblow, Susan; Murphy, Michelle; Hikuroa, Daniel; McGregor, Deborah; Moggridge, Bradley; Tremblay, Louis; Oberg, Gunilla; Demers, Marc; Brooks, Bryan. (2024) Towards the sustainable management of chemicals and waste: Weaving Indigenous knowledge with green and sustainable chemistry. Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (accepted for publication, 21-Dec-2024)

Achar, J., Cronin, M.T. D, Firman, J. W., & Öberg, G. (2024) A framework for categorizing sources of uncertainty in in silico toxicology methods: considerations for chemical toxicity predictions. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

Achar, J., Cronin, M.T. D, Firman, J. W., & Öberg, G. (2024) Analysis of implicit and explicit uncertainties in QSAR prediction of chemical toxicity: a case study of neurotoxicity. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 154

Achar, J., Firman, J. W., Tran, C., Kim, D., Cronin, M. T. D., & Öberg, G. (2024). A problem formulation framework for the application of in silico toxicology methods in chemical risk assessment. Archives of Toxicology, 1-14.

Öberg, G. and Scheringer, M. (2024), “Everyone has interests”: A red herring. Integr Environ Assess Manag

Schaeffer, Andreas; Groh, Ksenia; Sigmund, Gabriel; …; Oberg, Gunilla; … (2023) Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste and Pollution  Environmental Science & Technology 57(48): 19066–19077

Ataria, James; Murphy, Michelle; McGregor, Deborah; Chiblow, Susan; Moggridge, Bradley; Hikuroa, Daniel; Tremblay, Louis; Oberg, Gunilla; Baker, Virginia; Brooks, Bryan. (2023) Orienting the sustainable management of chemicals and waste towards Indigenous knowledge Environmental Science & Technology 57(30): 10901–10903

Juan José Alava,* Annika Jahnke, Melanie Bergmann, … Gunilla Öberg,…  (2023) A call to include plastic pollution in the global environment in the class of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT). Environmental Science & Technology 57(22): 8185–8188

Aishwarya Ramachandran, Isobel Mouat and Gunilla Öberg (2022) Incorporating equity, diversity, and inclusion in science – lessons learned from an undergraduate seminarScience Education. 107(1): 180-202. DOI: 10.1002/sce.21768

Aishwarya Ramachandran, Jerry Achar, Georgia Green, Brynley Hanson-Wright, Sophie Leiter, Gunilla Öberg (2022) Changing debates and shifting landscapes in Science Studies: exploring how graduate students with varied backgrounds think about the role of value-judgments in ScienceEngaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) 8(2)

Gunilla Öberg, Alice Campbell, Joanne Fox, Marcia Graves, Tara Ivanochko, Linda Matsuchi, Isobel Mouat & Ashley Welsh (2022) Teaching Science as a Process, Not a Set of FactsScience & Education, 1-31.

Bronwyn McIlroy, Annegaaike Leopold and Gunilla Öberg (2021) The manufacturing of consensus: a struggle for epistemic authority in chemical risk evaluation. Environmental Science and Policy Volume 122, August 2021, Pages 25-34

Bronwyn McIlroy-Young, Annegaaike Leopold, Gunilla Öberg 2021 Science, Consensus and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Re-thinking Disagreement in Expert Deliberations Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4385

Marco Vazquez, Bronwyn McIlroy-Young, Amanda Giang, Daniel Steel, Gunilla Öberg 2021 Exploring scientists’ values by analyzing how they frame nature and uncertainty. Risk Analysis Volume 41 (11): 2094- 2111 DOI: 10.1111/risa.13701

Gunilla Öberg, Geneviève S. Metson, Yusuke Kuwayama and Steven Conrad. 2020. Conventional Sewer Systems are too Time-Consuming, Costly and Inflexible to meet the Challenges of the 21st CenturySustainability 2020,12, 6518

Robin Harder, Rosanne Wielemaker, Sverker Molander, Gunilla Öberg 2020 Reframing human excreta management as part of food and farming systems. Water Research 175: 115601


Gunilla Öberg, Kevin Elliot and Annegaaike Leopold 2019 Science is Political But should Not be Partisan. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 16: 6-7.

Gunilla Oberg and Annegaaike Leopold 2019  On the role of review papers in the face of escalating publication rates – a case study of research on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs)Environment International 131: 104960

Robin Harder, Rosanne Wielemaker, Tove A. Larsen, Grietje Zeeman and Gunilla Öberg  2019 Recycling nutrients contained in human excreta to agriculture: Pathways, processes, and products. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 49(8): 695-743

Sarah A. Mason-Renton, Marco Vazquez, Connor Robinson, Gunilla Öberg 2019 Science for policy: A case-study of scientific polarization, values, and the framing of risk and uncertaintyRisk Analysis 39 (6): 1229-1242

Gunilla Oberg and Alice Campell 2019 Navigating the divide between scientific practice and science studies to support undergraduate teaching of epistemic knowledge. International Journal of Science Education 41(2):230-247

Noureddine ElouaziziGunilla Oberg, and Gulnur Birol 2018 Learning technology-enabled (meta)-cognitive scaffolding to support learning aspects of written argumentationPALE 2018

Bajracharya, S., Carenini, G., Chamberlain, B., Chen, K. D., Klein, D., Poole, D., & Oberg, G. 2018. Interactive Visualization for Group Decision-Analysis. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 17(6): 1839–1864. DOI: 10.1142/S0219622018500384

Gunilla Öberg and Sarah A. Mason-Renton . 2018. On the limitation of evidence-based policy: Regulatory narratives and land application of biosolids/sewage sludge in BC, Canada and Sweden. Environmental Science & Policy 84: 88-96.

Genevieve S. Metson, Steve M. Powers, Rebecca L. Hale, Jesse s. Sayles, Gunilla Öberg, G., Graham K. MacDonald, , … & Alexander F. Bowman 2018. Socio-environmental consideration of phosphorus flows in the urban sanitation chain of contrasting citiesRegional environmental change, 8:1 387–1401

Klein, D. R., & Öberg, G. 2017. Using Existing Municipal Water Data to Support Conservation EffortsJournal‐American Water Works Association109(7), E313-E319.

Gunilla Öberg and Margaret del Carmen Morales 2016. Biosolids are wicked to manage: Land application regulations in Sweden and B.C. Canada. WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference, April 3-6, 2016, Milwuakee, Wisconsin

Susanne Rostmark, Manuel Colombo, Sven Knutsson, and Gunilla Öberg 2016. Removal and re-use of tar-contaminated sediments by freeze-dredging: a case study of a coking plant in northern Sweden. Water Environment Research 88(9):847-851

Daniel R. Klein, Ghazal Ebrahimi, Lucas Navilloz,  Boris Thurm, and Gunilla Öberg 2014. Water Management at UBC. Background report for the project: Would it make sense to develop an integrated resource management strategy for UBC, using a water lens? Vancouver, BC: Program on Water Governance. Click here for a web-based version of the report.

Margaret del Carmen Morales*, Leila Harris and Gunilla Öberg. 2014. Citizenshit – The Right to Flush and the UrbanSanitation ImaginaryEnvironment and Planning A 46: 2816 – 2833

Gunilla Öberg, M. Gabriela Merlinsky, Alicia LaValle, Margaret Morales, and M. Melina Tobias. 2014. The Notion of Sewage as Waste – On Institutional Inertia and Infrastructure Change in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Vancouver, Canada. Ecology and Society 19(2)19

Per Bengtsson, David Bastviken and Gunilla Öberg. 2013. Possible roles of reactive chlorine II: Assessing biotic chlorination as a way for organisms to handle oxygen stress. Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology 15 (4): 991-1000

Brent C. Chamberlain, Giuseppe Carenini, David Poole, Gunilla Öberg, and Hamed Taheri 2013. A Decision Support System for the Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Wastewater Solutions. IEEE Transactions on Computer Science. Special issue on Computational Sustainability pp. 129-141

Gunilla Öberg, Louise Fortmann and Tim Gray 2013 Is interdisciplinary research a mashup? IRES Working Paper Series; No. 2013-2

Lauren Pickering, T. Andrew Black, Chanelle GilbertMatthew Jeronimo, Zoran Nesic, Juergen Pilz, Teresia Svensson, and Gunilla Öber., 2013. A Portable Chamber System for Measuring Chloroform Fluxes from Terrestrial Environments – Methodological ChallengesEnviromental Science and Technology 47 (24): 14298–14305

Jacqueline A. Belzile, and Gunilla Öberg 2012. Focus Groups. In: Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 6/10.

Jacqueline A. Belzile and Gunilla Öberg 2012 Where to begin? Grappling with how to use participant interaction in focus group design. Qualitative Research 12 (4): 459-472

Malin Gustavsson, Susanne K. Karlsson, Gunilla Öberg, Per Sandén, Teresia Svensson, Valinia, S., Ives Thiry, David Bastviken, 2012. Organic matter chlorination rates in different boreal soils — the role of soil organic matter contentEnvironmental Science and Technology 46 (3): 1504–1510.

Margaret Morales and Gunilla Öberg, 2012.The Idea of Sewage as a Resource. An Introductory Study of Knowledge and Decision Making in Liquid Waste Management in Metro Vancouver, BC. Canada. UBC’s Program of Water Governance Report.

Gunilla Öberg, 2012. Qualitative and quantitative studies. In: Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 6/10.

Öberg, G. and Bastviken, D. 2012. Transformation of chloride to organic chlorine in terrestrial environments: variability, extent and implications. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 42:2526-2545

Gunilla Öberg, Louise Fortmann and Tim Gray 201X Is interdisciplinary research a mashup? In: Interdisciplinary progress in environmental science and management. (ed. Nicholas V.C. Polunin) Cambridge University Press. (accepted)

Molodovskaya, M., Warland, J., Richards, B.K., Öberg, G. and Steenhuis, T. 2011. Nitrous oxide emission from heterogeneous agricultural landscape: analysis of source contribution by eddy covariance and static chambers. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75: 5: 1829-1838

de Boer, W., Folman, L., Bastviken, D., Svensson, T., Öberg, G., del Rio, J. and Boddy, L. 2010. Mechanism of antibacterial activity of the white-rot fungus Hypholoma fasciculare colonizing woodCanadian Journal of Microbiology Volume 56, Number 5, 1 May 2010 , pp. 380-388.

Öberg, Gunilla, 2011. Interdisicplinary environmental studies – a primer. Blackwell & Wiley.

Wibeck, V., Abrandt Dahlgren, M. and Öberg, G. 2010 Learning in focus groups: an analytical dimension for enhancing focus group research. In “Data Collection” W. Paul Vogt (Ed) SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods. SAGE Publications.

David Bastviken, Teresia Svensson, Susanne Karlsson and Gunilla Öberg. 2009. Temperature sensitivity indicates that chlorination of organic matter in forest soil is primarily bioticEnvironmental Science and Technology 43, 3569–3573.

Per Bengtson, David Bastviken, Wietse de Boer and Gunilla Öberg. 2009. Possible role of reactive chlorine in microbial antagonism and organic matter chlorination in terrestrial environmentsEnvironmental Microbiology 11: 1330–1339,(published on line doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.01915.x)

Kai Chan and Gunilla Öberg with Emily Anderson, Brent Chamberlain, Erin Empey, Carys Evans, Sarah Klain, Jordan Levine, Megan Mach, Rebecca Martone, Cathryn Clarke Murray, Julia Reckermann, Jordan Tam, Natasha Sihota, Gerald Singh 2009 An Ecosystem Services Approach to Sustainability at the University of British ColumbiaReport to UBC Sustainability Office. 

Öberg, G. 2009. Facilitating interdisciplinary work: using quality assessment to create common groundHigher Education 57, no. 4, pp. 405-415

Bastviken, D., Thomsen, F., Svensson, T., Karlsson, S., Sandèn, P., Shaw, G., Matucha, M. and Öberg, G. 2007. Chloride retention in forest soil by microbial uptake and by natural chlorination of organic matterGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71:3182-3192

Öberg, G. 2007. Praktisk tvärvetenskap – tankar om och för gränsöverskridande projekt (Interdisciplinarity in practice – thoughts concerning cross-boundary projects). Studentlitteratur.

Svensson T., Laturnus F., Sandén P., Öberg G. 2007 Chloroform in run-off water – a two-year study in a small catchment in south-east Sweden. Biogeochemistry 82: 139-151

Svensson, T., Sandén, P., Bastviken, B. and Öberg, G. 2007 Chlorine transport in a small catchment in southeast Sweden during two years. Biogeochemistry 82:181-199

Wibeck, V., Abrandt Dahlgren, M. and Öberg, G. 2007 Learning in focus groups: an analytical dimension for enhancing focus group research. Qualitative Research 7 (2): 249-267

Bastviken, D., Sandén, P., Svensson,T., Ståhlberg, C., Magounakis,M. and Öberg, G. 2006 Chloride retention and release in a boreal forest soil – effects of soil water residence time, nitrogen and chloride loads. Environmental Science and Technology 40:2977-2982

Lahsen, M. and Öberg, G. 2006. The role of unstated mistrust and disparities in scientific capacity – examples from Brazil. CSPR Reports. ISBN 91-25523-42-9

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Wibeck, V., Johansson, M., Larsson, A. and Öberg, G. 2005 Communicative aspects of environmental management by objectives – examples from the Swedish context. Env. Managment 37 (4):461-469

Lövbrand, E. and Öberg, G. 2005 Towards reflexive scientization of environmental policy. Environmental Science and Policy. 8(2):195-197

Öberg G, Holm, M. Parikka, M. Sandén, P. and Svensson, T. 2005. The role of organic-matter-bound chlorine in the chlorine cycle: a case study of the Stubbetorp catchment, Sweden. Biogeochemistry 75: 173–201

Öberg, G. and Sandén, P. 2005 Retention of chloride in soil. Hydrol Proc 19:2123-2136

Johansson, E., Xin, Z.B., Zhengyi, H., Sandén, P. and Öberg, G. 2004. Turn-over of organic chlorine in submerged paddy soil. Soil Use and Management 20:144-149.

Laturnus, L., Svensson, T. Wiencke, C. and Öberg, G. 2004. Ultraviolet Radiation Affects Emission of Ozone-Depleting Substances by Marine Macroalgae – Results From a Laboratory Incubation Study. Environmental Science and Technology 38: 6605-6609

do Nascimento, N.R, Nicola, S.M.C. Rezende, M.O.O. Oliviera, T.A. and Öberg, G. 2004. Pollution by hexachlorobenzene and pentachlorophenol in the coastal plain of São Paulo state, Brazil. Geoderma 121:221-232

Johansson, E., Sandén, P. and Öberg, G. 2003. Organic chlorine in deciduous and coniferous forest soil in southern Sweden. Soil Science 168:347-355.

Johansson, E., Sandén, P and Öberg, G. 2003. Spatial patterns of organic chlorine and chloride in Swedish forest soil. Chemosphere 52:391-397.

Karlsson, S.A. and Öberg, G. 2003. UV-light induced mineralization of organic matter bound chlorine in Lake Bjän, Sweden – a laboratory study. Chemosphere 52:463-469.

Rodstedth, M., Ståhlberg, C., Sandén, P. and Öberg, G. 2003. Chloride imbalances in soil lysimeters. Chemoshere 52:381-389.

Öberg, G. 2003. The biogeochemistry of chlorine in soil. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Vol. 3, part P. The Natural Production of Organohalogen Compounds (ed Gribble, G.), Springer-Verlag, pp 43-62.

Öberg, G. 2002. Old news about the chlorine cycle in soil. Science dEbate feb 21, 2002. (

Öberg, G. 2002. The natural chlorine cycle – fitting the scattered pieces. Requisitioned review. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58 (5): 565-581.

Abrandt-Dahlgren, M. and Öberg, G. 2001. Questioning to learn and learning to question: Structure and function of PBL scenarios in environmental science education. Higher Education 41:263-282.

Johansson, E., Ebenå, G., Sandén, P., Svensson, T. and Öberg, G. 2001. Organic and inorganic chlorine in Swedish spruce forest soil: Influence of nitrogen. Geoderma 10: 1-13.

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Johansson, E., Krantz-Rülcker, T., Zhang, B.X. and Öberg, G. 2000. Chlorination and biodegradation of lignin. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32:1029-1032.

Neidan, V., Pavasars, I., and Öberg, G. 2000. Chloroperoxidase-mediated chlorination of aromatic groups in fulvic acid. Chemosphere 41: 779-785.

Abrandt-Dahlgren, M. and Öberg, G. 1999. Structure and function of PBL scenarios in environmental science and education. In: Här och Nu! Hård af Segerstad, H. (ed). CUP rapport 5. ISBN 91-7219-625-4.

Abrandt-Dahlgren, M. and Öberg, G. 1999. Brief scenarios instead of authentic cases in environmental science education – does it work? Presented at AuDes 5e conference on environmental education. Zürich, Schweiz, april 15-17, 1999.

Hjelm, O., Johansson, E. and Öberg, G. 1999. Production of organically bound halogens by the litter-degrading fungus Lepista nuda. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31:1509-1515.

Kokalj, S. and Öberg, G. 1999. Miljö till salu. I: Medier och modernisering. En antologi om utbildningsprogram och samhällsförändring (red. Bengt Sandin). Etermedierna i Sverige. pp 281-296.

Svensson, T., Bastviken, D., Fredriksson, A. and Öberg, G. 1999. Problem-oriented laboratory work in environmental education: Experiences from a new master’s programme at Linköping University, Sweden. Presented at AuDes 5e conference on environmental education. Zürich, Schweiz, april 15-17, 1999.

Öberg, G. 1998. Chloride and organic chlorine in soil. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiolobiologica 26:137-144.

Öberg, G., Johansen, C., and Grön, C. 1998. Organic halogens in spruce forest throughfall. Chemosphere 36:1689-1701.

Öberg, G. and Grön, C. 1998. Sources of organic halogens in spruce forest soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 32:1573-1579.

Öberg, G, Brunberg, H. and Hjelm, O. 1997. Production of organically bound halogens during degradation of birch wood by common white-rot fungi. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29:191-197.

Öberg, G. and Bäckstrand, K. 1997. Praktik och ideal i svensk försurningsforskning. VEST- tidsskrift för vetenskapsstudier-Journal for Science Technology Studies 1: 23-39.

Hjelm, O., Borén, H. and Öberg, G. 1996. Detection of halogenated organic compounds in soil from a Lepista nuda (wood blewitt) fairy ring. Chemosphere 32:1719-1728.

Öberg, G. and Bäckstrand, K. 1996. Conceptualization of the acidification theory in Swedish environmental research. Environmental Reviews 4:123-132.

Öberg, G., Nordlund, E. and Berg, B. 1996. In situ formation of organically bound halogens during decomposition of Norway spruce needles – effects of fertilization. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26:1040-1048.

Öberg, G., Börjesson, I. and Samuelsson, B. 1996. Production and mineralisation of organically bound halogens in relation to soil pH. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 89:351-361.

(Change of surname from Asplund to Öberg in 1996)

Asplund, G. 1995. Origin and occurrence of halogenated organic matter in soil. In: Grimvall, A. and deLeer, E.W.B. (Eds.) Naturally-Produced Organohalogens. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht. pp. 35-48.

Hjelm, O. and Asplund, G. 1995. Chemical characterization of organohalogens in a coniferous forest soil. In: Grimvall, A and deLeer, E.W.B (Eds.). Naturally-Produced Organohalogens. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, the Netherlands. pp. 105-111.

Hjelm, O., Johansson, M-B. and Öberg-Asplund, G. 1995. An analysis of the sources and distribution pattern of organically bound halogens in soil from a coniferous forest soil. Chemosphere 30:2353-2364.

Asplund, G. and Grimvall, A. 1994. Organohalogen compounds in nature. Environ. Sci. Technol. 28:402A.

Asplund, G., Grimvall, A. and Jonsson, S. 1994. Determination of the total and leachable amounts of organohalogens in soil. Chemosphere 28:1467-1475.

Asplund, G., Christiansen, J.V. and Grimvall, A. 1993. A chloroperoxidase-like catalyst in soil: detection and characterization of some properties. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25:41-46.

Asplund. G. 1992. On the origin of organohalogens found in the environment. Ph. D. Thesis. Linköpings universitet studies in Arts and Science, nr 177. ISBN

Hedrén, J. and Asplund, G. 1992. Den politiska ekologin – en granskning av dess överdeologiska funktion och förutsättningar VEST- tidsskrift för vetenskapsstudier 4/1992: 4-12.

Asplund, G. and Grimvall, A. 1991. Organohalogens in nature, more widespread than previously assumed. Environ. Sci. Technol. 25:1346-1350.

Grimvall, A and Asplund, G. 1991. Natural halogenation of organic macromolecules. Finnish Humus News. 3:41-51.

Lassen, P., Christiansen, J.V., Carlsen, L., Asplund, G. and Grimvall, A. 1991. Halogen lability of halogenated humic acids. Finnish Humus News. 3:53-58.

Asplund, G., Grimvall, A. and Pettersson, C. 1989. Naturally produced adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) in humic substances from soil and water. Sci. Tot. Environ. 81/82:239-248.


Current supervision

Jerry Achar (PhD) Characterizing uncertainties in chemicals risk assessment: NAMS and animal studies

Dafne Lemus (PhD, University in Bergen, Norway) The idea of evidence-based policies and unresolved scientific controversies: the BPA case.

Anaïs Pronovost-Morgan (MA) topic tbd

Salma Taqui-Gulam (MSc) topic tbd

Josh Travis (MA) Reconceptualizing Plastic Waste: Economic Opportunity or Toxic Burden

Previous supervision

Matt Dolf (PhD) 2017 A life cycle assessment of the environmental impacts of small to medium sports events. Co-cupervised with Robert Sparks, Human Kinetics, UBC

Tashi Tsering (PhD) 2014. Social Inequality and Resource Management: Gender, Caste and Class in the Rural Himalayas. Main supervisor: Shakya Tsering, UBC.

Svensson, Teresia (PhD) 2006. Chlorine transport in a small catchment. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science, nr 352. Linköpings universitet. ISBN 91-85523-85-2.

Alkan Olsson, Johanna (PhD). 2003. Setting Limits in Nature and the Metabolism of Knowledge – the Case of the Critical Load concept. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science nr Linköpings Universitet. ISBN 91

Johansson, Emma (PhD). 2000. Organic chlorine and chloride in soil. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science nr 210, Linköpings Universitet. ISBN 91-7219-724-2

Hjelm, Olof (PhD). 1996. Organohalogens in coniferous forest soil. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science nr 139, Linköpings Universitet. ISBN 91-7871-702-7
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Dayna Rachkowski (MA) 2024 Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act: The Right to a Healthy Environment & Accountability in Chemicals Management

Elina Eronen (MA) 2023 How can we begin decolonizing the management of chemical risk? : identifying barriers towards achieving data justice and indigenous data sovereignty in Canada’s chemical management process

Diana Bedolla Lopez 2022 (MA) The challenge of assessing effective science communication training

Georgia Green (MSc) 2022 Characterizing arguments about endocrine disruptors and human health

Jack Durant 2022 (MA) Uncertainty and epistemic cultures in the endocrine disruptor expert deliberation

Brianne Della Savia 2021 (MA) Investigating local preparedness for managing endocrine disruptors

Bronwyn McIlroy-Young 2020 (MA) Chemical controversy: exploring scientific disagreement around endocrine disrupting chemicals

Connor Robinson 2020 (MSc) Sustainability assessment of biosolids vs biochar for land application. A case study of CRD, BC, Canada

MarcoVazquez Perez 2019 (MSc) Science and values in a wastewater treatment controversy

Daniel Klein (MSc) 2017 Supporting the implementation of effective urban water conservation and demand management strategies

Hamed Taheri (MSc) 2015 Interactive Visualization to Facilitate Group Deliberations in Decision Making Processes. Co-supervised with Dr. Giuseppe Carenini, Computer Science, UBC.

Alicia LaValle (MSc Forestry, UBC) 2015 Eco-Industrial Network Planning in the Face of Climate Change: An Exploratory Study Using Landscape Planning Approaches. Co-supervised with Dr. Stephen Sheppard, Landscape Architecture and Forestry, UBC.

Sanjana Bajracharya 2014 (MSc Computer Science) Interactive Visualization for Group-Decision-Making. Co-supervised with Dr. David Poole, Computer Science, UBC

Boris Thurm (MSc) 2014 Exploring the possibility of an Integrated Resource Management Strategy for the University of British Columbia – Focus on the Water-Energy Nexus. Ecole Polytechnique Férédale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Liz Ferris (MSc) 2013 Implementing climate mitigation policy at a subnational level: lessons from British Columbia. Present occupation: Climate Action Coordinator, Capital Regional District, Victoria, B.C. Canada.

Hana Sherin Galal (MA) 2013 Integrating sustainability in municipal wastewater infrastructure decision-analysis using the analytical hierarchy process.

Margaret Morales (MA) 2012 Citizenshit- The Right to Flush: Sewage management and its Meanings in Villa Lamadrid, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jacqueline A. Belzile (MA) 2011 Lessons from Oz to the Okanagan: water policy and structural reform in a changing climate. Present occupation: Director & Sustainability Consultant at Blue Currents Consulting Inc.

Beaulieu, Mathieu (MSc) 2010 Climate change impact in a coastal community watershed: investigating the summer streamflow response to a shifting hydrological regime Present occupation: Hydrologist (GIT)

Empey, Erin 2010 (Master of Journalism) Integrated resource recovery: energy potential in Vancouver’s wastewater

Ahl, Helga. 2005. Theory and practice. A study of the Swedish forestry administration board and its procedures for protecting land. (In Swedish). LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme.

Larsson, Emma. 2004. Science and policy in the framing of international negotiations on climate change. LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme. LIU-ITUF/MV-D–04/11—SE

Larsson, Anna. 2004. Environmental goal assessment – not as simple as it sounds. A study of roles and communication in the Swedish environmental administration. (In Swedish). LiU Norrköping, Environmental Science Programme. LIU-ITUF/MV-D–03/31—SE

Madelaine Johansson, 2003. Environmental goal assessment in the county of Östergötland – a study of areas of conflict within the frame of regional environmental assessment work. (In Swedish). LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme,. LIU-ITUF/MV-D–03/10—SE

Maria Eriksson, 2002. Indirect environmental aspects at SMHI. Identification and handling. (In Swedish). LiU Norrköping Environmental Science Programme.

Marita Lachan, 2002. Levande skogar – ett svenskt miljökvalitetsmål. Living forests – a Swedish environmental goal. (In Swedish). LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme.

Malin Rodhstedt, 2002. Risk assessment and naturally produced dioxins. LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme. LIU-ITUF/MV-D–02/16–SE

Gustaf Ebenå, 1997. Influence of nitrogen on the net formation of organic halogen during degradation of soil. LiU Linköping. Department of Biology.

Carsten Johansen. 1995. Organically bound halogens in spruce forest through fall – occurrence, deposition and chemical characterization (in Danish). DTH, Kopenhaven. Institution of Geology and Geotechnology.

Helena Nord. 1994. Do white-rot fungi produce chloro-organic compounds during lignin degradation? (in Swedish). LiU Linköping. Department of Biology,

Ingela Börjesson. 1991.  Net production of halogenated organic compounds in soil at different pH (in Swedish). LiU Linköping. Department of Biology.

C.J.M. van den Biggenlaar. 1990. The use of sum-parameter measurements of anthropogenic organic halogens compounds in the Netherlands and Germany and the influence of naturally produced organohalogens. University of Agriculture, Wageningen.
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Bachelor theses

Milka Nilsson. 2005. Influence of chloride and nitrogen on formation and leaching of chlorinated organic matter in soil. LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme.

Tora Strandberg. 2003. Inventorying humans in the forest – a study of coastal forest owners’ understanding of the political shift in focus within Swedish forestry. LiU Norrköping. Environmental Science Programme.

Daniel Stenman, 2002. The scientific basis of Swedish climate policy (In Swedish). Environmental Science Programme, Department of Thematic Studies. Linköpings Universitet. LIU-ITUF/MV-C–02/14–SE

Marita Lachan, 2001. Health and the environment – conflicts in the management of waste products? (In Swedish) Environmental Science Programme, Department of Thematic Studies. Linköpings Universitet.

Mårten Sundin, 2001. towards closed cycles – the precautionary principle, the hierarchy of waste and the risk society (In Swedish). Environmental Science Programme, Department of Thematic Studies. Linköpings Universitet.

Gustav Ebenå. 1995. Development of a method for studies on the influence of reactive chlorine on the degradability of lignin (in Swedish). Department of Biology, LiU.

Pia Kersna. 1992. A studie of the content of TOX in plants and its contribution to such compounds in soil (in Swedish). Department of Biology, LiU. (10 p)

Karin Persson. 1992. Detection of chloroperoxidase activity in fungal mycel isolated from spruce forest soil (In Swedish). Department of Biology, LiU.

Olof Hjelm. 1991. Occurrence of chlororganic compounds in lichen (in Swedish). Department of Chemistry, LiU.

Pia Kersna. 1991. An attempt to detect chlorperoxidase activity in needles of Norwegian Spruce (Picea abies, L.). Department of Biology, LiU. (5 p)

Susanne Karlsson. 1989. Studies of naturally produced chlorogenic compounds (in Swedish) Kemiavdelningen, LiU.

Eva Siljeholm. 1989. Chloro-organic compounds in an acidified spruce forest in Swedish). Department of Biology, LiU.