Alumni of the RMES/RES program have gone on to successful careers working with government, non-governmental organizations, consulting organizations, Indigenous communities, academia and beyond. Please request to join our LinkedIn Group to see examples of where our alumni have gone after finishing the RMES/RES program. Are you an IRES alum who would you like your details to be added here? Please email and we will add you.
Kushank Bajaj, PhD
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty
Beyond borders : assessing climate risks in globalized food systems
Carol Chamorro Vargas, MSc
Supervised by: Claire Kremen
Lindah Ddamba, MA
Supervised by: M.V. Ramana
Gurneet Braich, PhD
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty
The influence of climate change on crop yields in the Canadian Prairies
Erika Gavenus, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Vincent Chireh, PhD
Supervised by: Leila Harris and Jordi Honey-Roses
Advancing equity in water demand management among local governments in British Columbia, Canada
Jumi Gogoi, PhD
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty and Nathanial Newlands
Giulia Belotti, MA
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Navigating sustainability, affordability, and livability in Vancouver's Broadway Plan
Stephen Chignell, PhD
Supervised by: Mark Johnson and Terre Satterfield
Trisa Ngo, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Aquatic ecosystem metabolism as a control of carbon transport in a managed forest
Brian Wang, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Lost in transition : aquatic carbon dynamics along a pacific maritime headwater stream network
Sarah-Louise Ruder, PhD
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman and Terre Satterfield
Rona MacNicol, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Coping together? : Metro Vancouver tenants' engagement with mutual aid during extreme heat events
Brittney Wong, MA
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Freya Lambrecht, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Grace Schaan, MA
Supervised by: Kathryn Harrison
Mun (Carmen) Wan, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Ostwald
Lea Anderson, MA
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Rocío María López de la Lama, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Rumi Naito, PhD
Supervised by: Jiaying Zhao and Kai Chan
Katherine Roger, MSc
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman
Cultivating collective freedom : agroecology as a lifeway for autonomy and good relations
Elina Eronen, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
Shuoqi (Chee) Ren, MSc
Supervised by: Amanda Giang
James Wu, Msc
Supervised by: Jiaying Zhao & Claire Kremen
How does framing influence preference for multiple solutions to societal problems?
Juan Diego Martinez, Phd
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty
Justin Huynh, Msc
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar & Nadja Kunz
Georgia Green, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg & Annegaaike Leopold
Characterizing arguments about endocrine disruptors and human health
Atlanta- Marinna Grant, MA
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman & Maggie Low
Selina Vivar Agbayani, Msc
Supervised by: Andrew Trites
Energy requirements of grey whales
Dianna Bedolla Lopez, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg & Annegaaike Leopol
The challenge of assessing effective science communication training
Madison Stevens, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Yeonuk Kim, PhD
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Jie Sun, MA
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Electric vehicle lithium-ion battery recycling in China: scale and policy changes
Taya Triffo, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Alexa Tanner, PhD
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Multi-hazard perspectives on risk perception, disaster preparedness, and emergency management
Susanna Klassen, PhD
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty & Hannah Wittman
Lekha Tlhotlhalemaje, MA
Supervised by: David Boyd
Simone Rawal, MSc
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Emma Gillies, MSc
Supervised by: Amanda Giang
Allison Cutting, MSc
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield & Rashid Sumaila
Sea turtles and paper parks in a Nicaraguan small scale fishery
Julia Craig, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Prime real estate : how urban landscape variables influence bat presence in Vancouver, Canada
Colton Stevens, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Carly McGregor, MSc
Supervised by: Claire Kremen
Field and Lab Coordinator Staff with UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Brynley Hanson-Wright, MSc
Supervised by: Jiaying Zhao
Fisheries stock assessment technician at Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Isaac Jonas, MA
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Jack Durant, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
Uncertainty and epistemic cultures in the endocrine disruptor expert deliberation
Dana James, PhD
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman
Postdoctoral Researcher at UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Erika Luna Perez, MSc
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty & Amanda Giang
A descriptive analysis of Mexico's crop species diversity
Junior Policy Analyst at the International Institute for Sustainable Development
Helina Jolly, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield & Milind Kandlikar
Assistant Professor in the University of Vermont
Balsher Singh Sidhu, PhD
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty & Milind Kandlikar
Indian agriculture in a changing climate : a statistical analysis
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UBC IRES
Eun Hye Lee, MSc
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Making carbon price as an effective signal
Johnnie Manson, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UBC IRES
Claire Ewing, MSc
Supervised by: David Boyd & Amanda Giang
Environmental justice and the enforcement of air pollution laws in Canada
Senior Policy and Planning Analyst with Metro Vancouver in the Air Quality and Climate Change Department
Jonathan Taggart, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield & Kai Chan
Senior Researcher at The Firelight Group
Nima Jamshidi, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Sophia M.E. Murphy, PhD
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman
Evan Bowness, PhD
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman
Food sovereignty and the city : urban agrarianism and agroecology in Canada and Brazil
Postdoctoral Researcher at University of the Fraser Valley
Sara Nawaz, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Beyond naturalness? : social dimensions of gene editing in agriculture
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UBC IRES
Harold N. Eyster, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Leveraging human–nature relationships towards sustainable pathways
Gund Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Vermont
Sandeep Pai, PhD
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi
Senior Research Lead, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Centre for Strategic and International Studies
Isaac Jonas, MA
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Megan Marie Callahan, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Owls, otters, octopuses, and us : examining human-wildlife relationships, attitudes, and perceptions
Barbara Ann Mejaes, MSc
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Classifying and estimating aquaculture subsidies and their risks to the marine environment
Brianne Della Savia, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
Investigating local preparedness for managing endocrine disruptors
Senior Policy Analyst at Metro Vancouver in the Liquid Waste Services Department
Vikas Menghwani, PhD
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi
Assistant Professor in UBC Okanagan, Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences.
Sameer Shah , PhD
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Advancing livelihood water security in the rural global south
Assistant Professor at the University of Washington
Nicolás Talloni-Álvarez, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Climate change impacts on Canadian fishing and seafood supply
Alejandra Virgen Urcelay, MSc
Supervised by: Simon Donner
Assessing the extent of global mass coral bleaching with an updated database
Research Assistant at ESSA Technologies
Anthony Persaud, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Counter-institutionalization and the economic futures of First Nations in British Columbia
David Righter, MSc
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Hannah Barnard-Chumik, MSc
Supervised by: Amanda Giang
Knowledge politics in Environmental Impact Assessment
Ilana Judah, MSc
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Principal & Founder of ACORN Resilience & Sustainability
Ian Theaker, MA
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Building performance benchmarking data for residential condominium buyers
Technical Director of the Reframed Initiative at Pembina Institute.
Bronwyn McIlroy-Young, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
Chemical controversy : exploring scientific disagreement around endocrine disrupting chemicals
Aaron Moguin, MA
Supervised by: Thomas Davidoff
Gentrification without displacement : determining the costs
Narayan Gopinathan, MA
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Life cycle assessment of electric and combustion vehicles in India
Rudri Bhatt, MSc
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Agricultural waste burning in northern India : economic analysis and farmers' perspectives
Luis F. Melgarejo, MA
Supervised by: Jordi Honey-Rosés
Ecological Transition Consultant for the Colombian National Planning Department (DNP) at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Maayan Kreitzman, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Perennial agriculture : agronomy and environment in long-lived food systems
John David Driscoll, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Nutrient yields from northwest Atlantic fisheries: analysis, indicators, and optimization
Great Bear Sea Program Manager at Nature United
Kyoko Adachi, MA
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi and Jiaying Zhao
On the acceptance of intergenerational legacies: a comparison of Canada and Japan
Brand Producer at Kitchen & Company
Victor Lam, MA
Supervised by: George Hoberg
Cameron Bullen, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
A marine megafaunal extinction and its consequences for kelp forests of the North Pacific
Applied Ecologist at Azimuth Consulting Group Inc.
Livia Mello, MSc
Supervised by: Nadja Kunz
Value creation from internalizing non-technical risks in projects: mining sector case
Allison Witter, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Boat to fork: seafood value chains and alternative food networks
Andrea Byfuglien, MSc
Supervised by: Jiaying Zhao
PhD student at University of Oxford
Zachary Sherker, MSc
Supervised by: Andrew Trites
Predation by Pacific great blue herons on juvenile salmon
Aspen Ono, MA
Supervised by: Kai Chan and David Boyd
Myriam Khalfallah, PhD
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly
Data-poor fisheries : case studies from the southern Mediterranean and the Arabian Peninsula
Graham McDowell, PhD
Supervised by: Leila Harris and Michele Koppes
Adaptation to glacio-hydrological change in high mountains
Project Leader at Canadian Mountain Assessment and Postdoctoral Fellow at EClim, University of Zurich (Switzerland) and University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Connor Robinson, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg and Steve Conrad
Sahir Advani, PhD
Supervised by: Tony Pitcher and Mimi Lam
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Maine
Krista Forysinski, MSc
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Biologist, Integrated Planning at Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program
Emily Mistick, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Data Scientist at StormSensor Inc.
Danielle Edwards, PhD
Supervised by: Villy Christensen and Evelyn Pinkerton
Addressing questions on the social and economic outcomes of an individual transferable quota fishery
Kiely McFarlane, PhD
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Waiting on the law to change? A critical geographic analysis of water law reform in British Columbia
Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan and Jiaying Zhao
Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University
Stephen Williams, PhD
Supervised by: John Robinson and Terre Satterfield
The splash and the ripples : assessing sustainability transition experiments
Abhishek Kar, PhD
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi
Vincent Ricciardi, PhD
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty
The role of small-scale farms in the global food system
Nayadeth Arriagada, MA
Supervised by: David Boyd
Marco Antonio Vázquez Pérez, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg and Daniel Steel
Science and values in a wastewater treatment controversy
Rainer Lempert, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Data Scientist, Mobility Research at Uber
Sean Smillie, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Waste-heat-to-power:a case study of Canadian natural gas compressor stations
Sarah Harper, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
The contributions by women to fisheries economies worldwide
Poushali Maji, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Szymon Surma, PhD
Supervised by: Tony Pitcher
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) trophodynamics and fisheries in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Theodore Eyster, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Modeling dam removal in a mountain meadow with MODFLOW-NWT
Katherine Rae Cramer, MA
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Perceived food quality and production quality in consumer evaluation of agrifood products
Tugce Conger, PhD
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Ghazal Ebrahimi, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Stakeholder perspectives on adoption of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
Nathan Bendriem, MSc
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Calculating the economic value of genomic technologies in wild and farmed coho production
Margaret (Maggie) Low, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Practices of sovereignty : negotiated agreements, jurisdiction, and well-being for Heiltsuk Nation
Assistant Professor, UBC School of Community and Regional Planning
Ivana Zelenika, PhD
Supervised by: Jiaying Zhao
Sustainability by design : motivating pro-environmental action and improving waste diversion
Project Assistant, Zero Waste and Resource Recovery at City of Vancouver
Jackie Lerner, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Elaine Hsiao, PhD
Supervised by: Philipe Le Billon
Emily Anderson, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Zheng Ki (Jackie) Yip, PhD
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang
Rebecca Singleton, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Freedom from the fortress : the role of human rights in marine conservation
Lyudmila (Lucy) Rodina, PhD
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Tracing and situating water resilience across scales
Policy Analyst at Environment and Climate Change Canada
Guillaume Peterson St-Laurent, PhD
Supervised by: George Hoberg
Deliberating climate change mitigation options and policies in British Columbia’s forests
Krista English, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Using network science to understand the knowledge exchange pathways in health systems research
Adrian Semmelink, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Melanie Ang, MSc
Supervised by: William Cheung
Adaptability of Pacific North America's small-scale fisheries to climate change
Alida O'Connor, MA
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Teaching Assistant for the University of British Columbia
Arielle Swett, MA
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Nicole Wilson, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
“More precious than gold”: Indigenous water governance in the context of Modern land claims in Yukon
Assistant Professor, Department of Environment and Geography at University of Manitoba
Ada Smith, MA
Supervised by: Charles Menzies
Michael Lathuillière, PhD
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Harmonizing water footprint assessments for agricultural production in Southern Amazonia
Senior Research Fellow, Trase at Stockholm Environment Institute
William Justin Ritchie, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Executive Director, Extraenvironmentalist Media Association
Michaela Neuberger, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Renovation permits and the challenge of reducing emissions from legacy buildings
Director of Operations, Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZEBx)
Kalifi Ferretti-Gallon, MSc
Supervised by: Navin Ramankutty
Mollie Chapman, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Simon Harding, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Regulating the last mile: paratransit in Delhi
Jeffrey Scott, MSc
Supervised by: Mimi Lam and Tony Pitcher
Jason Brown, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Lecturer at Simon Fraser University
Xuesi Shen, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Development of a hybrid simulation model for understanding community resilience to fuel disruption
PhD Candidate at Stanford University
Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network Research trainee
Santiago De la Puente Jeri, MSc
Supervised by: Villy Christensen
Emma Luker, MSc
Supervised by: Leila Harris and Mark Johnson
Natural Resource Planning and Engagement Analyst at UBC
Daniel Klein, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Oberg
Supporting the implementation of effective urban water conservation and demand management strategies
Holly Andrews, MSc
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield and Mike Meitner
Mechanisms of indigenous exclusion in British Columbia's environmental assessment process
Senior Planner at The Firelight Group
Elizabeth Williams, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Content and prevalence of environmentalist stereotypes in Canada: a psychological perspective
Maryam Rezaei, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Power to the people : thinking (and rethinking) energy poverty in British Columbia, Canada
Alicia Speratti, PhD
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Biochar for the Brazilian Cerrado : contributions to soil quality and plant growth
Freelance Consultant at Conservation Agriculture CIMMYT
Paige Olmsted, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Visiting Scholar at Copenhagen Business School
Darah Gibson, MSc
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Socio-economic contribution of small-scale and large-scale fisheries in British Columbia
Abdulrahman Ben Hasan, MSc
Supervised by: Villy Christensen
Kieran Findlater, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar and Terre Satterfield
Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the CoAdapTree project
Ashlee Jollymore, PhD
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Hydrologist for The River Forecast Centre, Government of Canada
Michiko Namazu, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
The Evolution of Carsharing: Heterogeneity in Adoption and Impacts
Sr. Data Scientist, Sustainability Tech at Uber
Anna Christina Schuhbauer, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
The Economic Viability of Small-scale Fisheries
Leonard Glaser, MSc
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Maery Kaplan-Hallam, MA
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Climate Change and Health Adaptation Specialist at First Nations Health Authority
The Wint Aung, PhD
Supervised by: Michael Brauer
Health, climate, and time-use impacts from a carbon-financed cookstove intervention in rural India
Mun-hee Jung, MSc
Supervised by: Milind Kandikar
Is free trade free of environmental cost?
Gerald Singh, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Understanding & assessing cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services
Faculty, Department of Geography at Memorial University of Newfoundland
Sylvia Coleman, PhD
Supervised by: John Robinson and Ray Cole
Normalizing sustainability in a regenerative building: the social practice of being at CIRS
Sarah Klain, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Wind of change: offshore wind farms, contested values and ecosystem services
Assistant Professor of Ecosystem Services, Department of Environment and Society at Utah State University
Sara Elder, PhD
Supervised by: Peter Dauvergne
Mitacs Canadian Science Policy Fellow for BC's Ministry of Agriculture
Jillian Guerra, MA
Supervised by: Hannah Wittman
Pathways to agroecology: mediated markets and credit access in Santa Catarina, Brazil
Jordan Tam, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield & Kai Chan
Understanding adaption and social-ecological change in Chilean coastal communities
Senior Research Manager at The Firelight Group
Edward Gregr, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Sea otters, kelp forests, and ecosystem services: modelling habitats, uncertainties, and trade-offs
SCITECH Environmental Consulting and Adjunct Professor, UBC IRES
Allison Franko, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Seyedeh Paniz Pajouhesh, MA
Supervised by: John Robinson
Anne-Mareike Chu, MSc
Supervised by: John Robinson
Yaron Cohen, MSc
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
UX Researcher at RBC
Thor Jensen, Joint PhD (UBC & UVSQ)
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
The adoption of ground source heat pumps at multiple scales in North America
Johnnie Manson, MA
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield and Hannah Wittman
Relational Nations : trading and sharing ethos for Indigenous food sovereignty on Vancouver Island.
Jonathan Salter, PhD
Supervised by: Stephen Sheppard
Arvind Saraswat, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Chloe (Pui Wing) Sher, MA
Supervised by: Karen Bakker
Social and environmental impacts of shale gas development and public support for fracking in China
Kelly Sharp, MA
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi and Philipe Le Billon
Matthew Taccogna, MSc
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi
Risk perceptions and marine spatial planning surrounding tidal energy in British Columbia
Philamer Torio, PhD
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Water privatization in Metro Manila : assessing the state of equitable water provision
Lisa Westerhoff, PhD
Supervised by: John Robinson
City stories : from narrative to practice in Vancouver's Olympic Village
Senior Sustainability Planner and Associate at Integral Group
Victor Acuna, MSc
Supervised by: Leila Harris and Samia Khan
Dyhia Belhabib, PhD
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly
West African fisheries: past, present and 'futures?'
Andres Cisneros, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
The value of information for fisheries policy
Yago Dodson Coll, MSc
Supervised by: Leila Harris and Samia Khan
Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa, MSc
Supervised by: Jiaying Zhao
Exploring attitudes and preferences toward species at risk in British Columbia
Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University
Krista Greer, MSc
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly
Rajeev Kumar, PhD
Supervised by: Tony Pitcher
Ecosystem based management for Mille Lacs Lake, Minnesota under changing environmental conditions
Frederic Le Manach, PhD
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly
Julia Reckermann, MA
Supervised by: John Robinson
Sameer Shah, MSc
Supervised by: Leila Harris and Hisham Zerriffi
Rosie Simms, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Hamed Taheri, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Oberg and Giuseppe Carenini
Interactive visualization to facilitate group deliberations in decision making processes
Founder and CEO of Robust Choice Cloud Solutions Inc.
Allison Thompson , MA
Supervised by: Robin Naidoo
Tashi Tsering, PhD
Supervised by: Tsering Shakya
Social inequality and resource management : gender, caste and class in the rural Himalayas
Postdoctoral Fellow at York University
Elizabeth Dapaah, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Graduate Academic Assistant at UBC
Angela Eykelbosh, PhD
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Environmental Health and Knowledge Translation Scientist at BC Centre for Disease Control
Laura Fedoruk, MSc
Supervised by: John Robinson
Manager, Grid Services Analytics for Sunrun
Hana Sherin Galal, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Oberg
Andrea Haas, Fisheries MSc
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Cristina Infante, PhD
Supervised by: Peter Nemetz
Danika Kleiber, Fisheries PhD
Supervised by: Amanda Vincent and Leila Harris
Gender and small-scale fisheries in the Central Philippines
Reza Kowsari, PhD
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Liu Institute for Global Issues
Wing Yee Lam, Fisheries PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila, Daniel Pauly, and Brian Klinkenberg
Global fisheries economics in the face of change in climate
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Sea Around Us, Fisheries Centre, UBC
Megan Peloso, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Navigating water access and governance in peri-urban Ashaiman, Ghana : a case study
Senior Project Manager at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Teresa Ryan, PhD
Supervised by: Ronald Trosper, Terre Satterfield, and Rashid Sumaila
Postdoctoral Teaching and Learning Fellow, University of British Columbia
Stefan Storey, PhD
Supervised by: John Robinson, Raymond Cole, Steve Rogak, and Jorge Marques
Application of life-cycle approaches for the evaluation of high performance buildings
CEO- Sensible Building Science
Co-founder and Director for Structured Reports Corp.
Allison Takasaki, MA
Supervised by: Ralph Matthews
Environment, development, trust, and well-being in the Tsawwassen First Nation
Paul Teehan, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Senior Data Scientist for travel audience GmbH- An Amadeus Company
Aylin Ulman, Fisheries MSc
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly
PhD at Univeristy of Pavia/ Univeristy Pierre et Marie Curie on Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation
Nathan Vadeboncoeur, PhD
Supervised by: Ralph Matthews
Knowing climate change : modelling, understanding, and managing risk
President for Smart Shores and Vadeboncoeur Consulting Inc.
Lauren Weatherdon, Fisheries MSc
Supervised by: William Cheung
Cameron Webster, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
The effects of biochar application on carbon dioxide and methane soil surface fluxes
Christian Beaudrie, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlikar
Decision Analyst with Compass Resource Management Ltd.
Megan Callahan, MA
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Lions and tigers and bears: an investigation of the state of conservation in zoos
Elizabeth Ferris, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
Implementing climate mitigation policy at a subnational level: lessons from British Columbia
Janalyn Kotaska, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield and Charles Menzies
Executive Director at Mother Tree Network
Kim Lau, MA
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
British Columbia's 'carbon neutral government' mandate: influence on infrastructure decisions
Liu Scholar and Graduate Fellow at Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
Nicole Miller, PhD
Supervised by: Stephen Sheppard
Urban form and building energy: quantifying relationships using a multi-scale approach
Partner of C2MP Consulting
Lyudmila (Lucy) Rodina, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Graduate Fellow at International WaTERS and Outreach Coordinator for Water Ethics Network
Lauren Rodman, MA
Supervised by: Charles Menzies
Spinning wind into power: industry and energy in Gitxaała Nation, British Columbia
Research analyst, National Conference of State Legislatures in Denver
Tom Berkhout, PhD
Supervised by: John Robinson
Steering transformative energy efficiency and conservation in British Columbia, Canada
Senior Policy Analyst, Energy Efficiency Branch
Laura Cornish, MA
Supervised by: Stephen Sheppard
Can 4D visioning foster community responses on climate change?
Director Product Management for Ecotagious Inc., EnerNOC, and Pulse Energy
Tee Lim, MA
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield and Frank Tester
Inuit encounters with colonial capital: Nanisivik - Canada's first high Arctic mine
Wilfram Swartz, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Five not so easy pieces: globalization of fishing and seafood markets
Julia Freeman, PhD
Co-supervised by Terre Satterfield and Milind Kandlikar
Lecturer at McGill University's School of Environment
Claudia Ho Lem, MSc
Co-supervised by: Milind Kandlikar and Hisham Zerriffi
International Community Development Programme Consultant for Resource Efficient Agricultural Production Canada
Megan Bailey, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Economic analysis of unregulated and illegal fishing in Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Post Doctoral Researcher at Wageningen University
Olivia Freeman, MSc
Supervised by: Hisham Zerriffi
Maximizing climate and health benefits in household energy carbon credit projects
Country Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central Africa Field Program Manager for U.S Forest Service International Programs
Brian Gouge, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Research Scientist for Aquatic Informatics Inc.
Susanna Haas Lyons, MA
Supervised by: John Robinson
Public Engagement Specialist, AmericaSpeaks Network Associate
Carie Hoover, PhD
Supervised by: Tony Pitcher
Megan Mach, PhD
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Research on marine coastal impacts to promote ecosystem-based management: nonnative species in northeast Pacific estuaries
Communications and Outreach Specialist for DataONE
Liesbeth van der Meer, MSc
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Global revenues from wild seafood products
Fisheries Specialist at OCEANA
Margaret Morales, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Videographer, Documentarian at Center for Documentary Studies
Claudia Morgado, MA
Supervised by: Charles Menzies
Getting to know the artist: understanding why artists are important contributors to the climate change conversation
Cynthia Morinville, MA
Supervised by: Leila Harris
Beyond the pipe: participation and alternative water provision in underserved areas of Accra, Ghana
Coordinator Policy and Campaigns for USC Canada
James Murphy, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Determinants of health outcomes in switching to electric bicycles
Meg O'Shea, PhD
Supervised by John Robinson
Embodying and performing sustainability
Manager of Small to Medium Enterprises, Program Manager of Thriving Vancouver for Vancouver Economic Commission
Jennifer Romero, MSc
Supervised by: George Hoberg
Dawit Tesfamichael, PhD
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly and Tony Pitcher
Assessment of the Red Sea ecosystem with emphasis on fisheries
Sonja Wilson, MSc
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Remote community electrification using woody biomass
Project Manager for Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.
Mathieu Beaulieu, MSc
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
A shifting hydrological regime: a field investigation of snowmelt runoff processes and their connection to summer baseflow, Sunshine Coast, B.C
Conseiller Hydrometerologie for Hydro-Quebec
Jacqueline Belzile, MA
Supervised by: Gunilla Öberg
Lessons from Oz to the Okanagan: water policy and structural reform in a changing climate
Director & Sustainability Consultant at Blue Currents Consulting Inc.
Brooke Campbell, MSc
Supervised by: Daniel Pauly
A global analysis of historical and projected mariculture production trends, 1950-2030
Associate Research Fellow at Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security
Alice Cohen, PhD
Supervised by: Karen Bakker
From water to watershed: an analysis of rescaled water governance in Canada
Professor, Acadia University in Earth and Environmental Science
Christina Cook, PhD
Supervised by: Karen Bakker
Putting the pieces together: tracing fragmentation in Ontario water governance
Independent Consulting in Montreal, Canada
Stephanie Grand, PhD
Supervised by: Les Lavkulich
Reactive soil components and logging in Podzols of southwestern British Columbia
Lecturer at Univeriste de Lausanne
Shinan Kassam, PhD
Supervised by: Rick Barichello
One explanation for why farmers produce cotton collectively in post-Soviet Tajikistan
Programme Manager- Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction (Tajikistan)
Michael Lathuillière, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Land use effects on green water fluxes in Mato Grosso, Brazil
Senior Research Fellow, Trase at Stockholm Environment Institute
Craig Mayberry, PhD
Supervised by: Ilan Vertinsk
Senior Lecturer in the College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University
Lindsay Nathaniel, MA
Supervised by: Ralph Matthews
What affects environmentally sustainable behaviour? A case study of visitors to Whistler BC
Jeremy Osborn, MA
Supervised by: James Tansey
Values, culture, social capital, change: the case of The Car Coop
Research Director, Global Sustainability Group, Saatchi & Saatchi
Darlene Seto, MA
Supervised by: Kathryn Harrison
Diversity and engagement in alternative food practice: community gardens in Vancouver, British Columbia
Senior Policy Analyist, Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions for BC Public Service
Marleen de Ruiter, MSc
Supervised by: Stephanie Chang and John Clague
Post-disaster community recovery: linking environmental and economic recovery
PhD Researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ VU- Institute for Environmental Studies
Lydia Teh, PhD
Supervised by: Tony Pitcher
A fuzzy logic approach to spatial management of small-scale fisheries
Research Associate at Institute for the Oceans and Fishers UBC
Louise Teh, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Discount rates, small-scale fisheries, and sustainability
Emily Anderson, MA
Co-supervised by: Kai Chan and Hisham Zerriffi
PhD student in RMES program at the University of British Columbia
Lenore Burke, MA
Supervised by: Ralph Matthews
Marine Resource Management Assistant at Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
Andrew Devlin, MA
Supervised by: Lawrence Frank
Transportation Planner, TransLink
Sara Elder, MA
Supervised by: Peter Dauvergne
Fair Trade certification and social determinants of health: the case of coffee producers in Rwanda
Mitacs Canadian Science Policy Fellow BC Ministry of Agriculture
Donna Pettipas, MA
Supervised by: Les Lavkulich
Dwelling, tourism and sustainability on the rural-urban fringe: a Bowen Island case study
Jordan Tam, MA
Supervised by: Timothy McDaniels
Senior Research Manager at The Firelight Group
Andres Cisneros, MSc
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
The economic benefits of ecosystem-based marine recreation: implications for management and policy
PhD student in RMES program at the University of British Columbia
Maria Espinosa, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Coordinator of the Midriff Islands Program at Community and Biodiversity
Kirsten Harma, MSc
Supervised by: Mark Johnson
Watershed Coordinator for Chehalis Basin Partnership/ Chehalis Lead Entity
Sarah Klain, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Navigating marine ecosystem services and values
Assistant Professor of Ecosystem Services, Department of Environment and Society at Utah State University
Nathalie Maurer, MSc
Supervised by: Hans Schreier
Environmental Engineer, EIT at Sperling Hansen Associates (SHA)
David Boyd, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
The environmental rights revolution: constitutions, human rights, and the environment
Professor at IRES
Zosia Brown, PhD
Supervised by: Raymond Cole
Resource Conservation and Sustainability Supervisor at Woodland Park Zoo
Eny Buchary, PhD
Supervised by: Tony Pitcher
In search of viable policy options for responsible use of sardine resources in the Bali Strait, Indonesia
Arnold Elias, PhD
Supervised by: John Robinson
High potential: how a framework of criteria for an integrated energy system can initiate a sustainable electricity grid and transportation system
Sarah Foster, PhD
Supervised by: Amanda Vincent
Program Manager and Research Associate at Project Seahorse UBC
Glen Hearns, PhD
Supervised by: Ian Townsend
Analysis of process mechanisms promoting cooperation in transboundary waters
Gault Principle at Aristos Consulting
Gakushi Ishimura, PhD
Supervised by: Rashid Sumaila
Sonja Klinsky, PhD
Supervised by: Timothy McDaniels
Associate Professor, School of Sustainability at Arizona State University
Eric Mazzi, PhD
Supervised by: Hadi Dowlatabadi
Currently the Power SmartR Instructor at the UBC Clean Energy Research Centre
Marivic Pajaro, PhD
Supervised by: Amanda Vincent
Indicators of effectiveness in community-based marine protected areas
Anton Pitts, PhD
Supervised by: Paul Wood
Conor Reynolds, PhD
Supervised by: Milind Kandlinkar
Division Manager at Air Quality and Climate Change Policy, Metro Vancouver
Jack Teng, PhD
Supervised by: Brian Moore
Environmental and social determinants of tick-borne zoonoses in the South Okanagan
Veronica Wahl, PhD
Supervised by: Patrick Mooney
Why people help: motivations and barriers for stewardship volunteering
UNIBUG Project Coordinator at Institute of Urban Ecology, Douglas College
Stephanie Lepsoe, MA
Supervised by: Hans Schreier
Jennifer Ardiel, MSc
Laura DeVries, MA
What’s at stake on uncommon ground? The Grand River Haudenosaunee and Canada in Caledonia, Ontario
Associate at McCarthy Tetrault
Har-Rajandeep Singh Dhariwal, MA
Disaster resilience of the Vancouver health care system to pandemic influenza
Business Continuity and Risk Advisory Manager at First West Credit Union
Kieran Findlater, MSc
Supervised by: Milind Kandlinkar
Biofuels and land use: global requirements and local impacts
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia
Lara Hoshizaki, MSc
Supervised by: Brian Moore
What a difference a map makes: including ecosystem services within systematic conservation planning
Regional Monitoring System Coordinator for Coastal First Nations- Great Beat Initiative
Zhi Ying Lin, MSc
Trends in aquaculture production and its role in meeting human protein needs
Veronica Lo, MSc
Supervised by: Kai Chan
Independent Consultant working with UN agenies
Alex Russell, MSc
Benjamin Starkhouse, MSc
Fisheries Harvest Manager, Lummi Nation
Nathan Vadeboncoeur, MA
Supervised by: Ralph Matthews
Jonathan Anticamara, PhD
Ecology of recovering degraded reef communities within no-take marine reserves
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of British Columbia
Tihut Asfaw, PhD
Supervised by: Terre Satterfield
Sarah Burch, PhD
Local responses to climate change: an exploration of the relationship between capacity and action
Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in Sustainability Governance at Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability, UBC
Sharon Chang, PhD
Negar Elmieh, PhD
Professor, Quest University Canada
Robyn Forrest, PhD
Research Scientist, Groundfish, Marine Ecosystems and Aquaculture Division Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo
Shannon Hagerman, PhD
Jennifer Jacquet, PhD
Fish as food in an age of globalization
Alyssa Joyce, PhD
Patricia Keen, PhD
Jane Lister, PhD
Supervised by: Peter Dauvergne
Associate Director, Centre for Transportation Studies at Sauder School of Business at UBC
Jana Hanova, MSc
Environmental and techno-economic analysis of ground source heat pump systems
CleanTech & Energy Stream Lead Venture Leader at Creative Destruction Lab
Megan Moody, MSc
Sheena Pappas, MSc
Natalie Ban, PhD
Multiple perspectives for envisioning marine protected areas
Assistant Professor at University of Victoria
Miriam Bixby, PhD
Jamie Donatuto, PhD
Shashidharan Enarth, PhD
Rasha Maal-Bared, PhD
Research Associate at The University of Ottawa
Maria du Monceau de Bergencial, PhD
Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD
Assistant Professor, Public Administration Division at CIDE (Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas, A.C.)
Charles Wilson, PhD
Understanding and influencing energy efficient renovation decisions
Liu Yajie, PhD
Resource and Environmental Economist at Department of Economics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
An analysis of the management and economics of salmon aquaculture
Amy Frye, MA
Insights from the edge: farmers' perspectives on agricultural viability near urban centres
Acting Director, Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm
Julie Ann Beer, MSc
Littoral zone primary production in a coastal reservoir ecosystem
Daniel Galland, MSc
History and evolution of salmon aquaculture siting policy in British Columbia
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Stacy Langsdale, PhD
Andrea (Coombs) Wallace, MSc
Manager at BC SPCA Wild ARC