Ideal Timeline for RES Master’s students
Year 1: September to December
- Student begins program and starts classes.
- You have until the second week of term to add/drop courses most courses.
- Make sure you register for your RES 599 Thesis course for every term of your program.
- Attend the IRES Orientation and Welcome Back BBQ during the first week of classes!
- Student meets with their supervisor(s) to:
- Discuss research direction and program timeframe.
- Confirm course selection for the academic year and ensure Master's course requirements are clear and going to be met.
- Set up regular schedule to meet with supervisor(s).
Year 1: January to April
- Student should have a rough idea of their thesis topic/research intentions.
- If fieldwork is required for your thesis, you should have at least a rough plan in place for this.
- Student has formed their master's supervisory committee and have held the first committee meeting.
- Is a potential supervisory committee member a non-G+PS Member? If so, you must complete a Recommendation for a Non-G+PS member to serve as part of your supervisory committee.
- Student must complete and submit an RES Supervisory Committee Composition Form to the Graduate Program Manager once their committee is confirmed.
- An RES Committee Meeting Report form must be submitted to the IRES Graduate Program Manager for each committee meeting held.
- Your first Committee Meeting Report Form and the Committee Composition form are due to the Graduate Program Manager by the end of April of your first year in program.
- The RES Spring Review is a requirement for every first year RES MA/MSc student. The half-hour meeting is held in April of the first year in a student's program. This meeting is attended by the student, their supervisor(s), the RES Graduate Advisor and the Graduate Program Manager. The RES Spring Review form is completed prior to the meeting by both student and supervisor and is used as the basis of discussion for the meeting.
- This meeting is to:
- ensure both student and supervisor(s) are clear of the program requirements, expectations and the student is on-track to complete their program within two years.
- provide an opportunity for the student to voice any questions or concerns they may have and be able to provide feedback on the program, the courses they have taken, how their last year has been.
- provide an opportunity for the supervisor(s) to comment on the student's progress in program and ask any questions.
- Towards the end of the meeting, the supervisor(s) will be asked to leave the meeting to allow for a discussion with only the student, Graduate Advisor and Graduate Program Manager. This time can be used to provide any additional feedback the student may have.
- This meeting is to:
Year 1: May to August
- If fieldwork and/or data collection necessary for thesis, this takes place.
- Make sure you register for your RES 599 Thesis Course for the summer term!
Year 2: September to December
- Second Committee Meeting takes place
- Submit second RES Committee Meeting Report Form
- Student completes fieldwork/data collection.
- RES Master's course requirements completed.
- Consult G+PS Program End and Graduation Deadlines
- Plan backwards from the Program End/Graduation deadlines to determine:
- when you need to hold your final oral defence.
- Submit all required components to G+PS to meet all requirements and close your program.
- Plan backwards from the Program End/Graduation deadlines to determine:
Year 2: January to April
- Consult G+PS Program End and Graduation Deadlines
- Finalize thesis, have it approved by your supervisory committee.
- Complete the RES Master's Thesis Defence Form - submit to Graduate Program Manager at least three weeks prior to your preferred defence date.
- Submit Master's Thesis by 2nd week of April to graduate in May
- Masters Thesis Approval Form (GPS)
Year 2: August
- Submit Thesis by final week of August to meet Aug. 31st deadline
- Masters Thesis Approval Form (GPS)