IRES would like to congratulate our recent graduates of May 2017! Esteemed congratulations from all of us!
We wish you the very best in your future careers and endeavors!
(Photo credit: BdwayDiva1 from flickr/Creative Commons)
Our 8 All-Star graduates are:
Kieran Findlater (PhD), Supervisors Milind Kandlikar & Terre Satterfield
Ashlee Jollymore (PhD), Supervisor Mark Johnson
Michiko Namaz (PhD), Supervisor Hadi Dowlatabadi
Paige Olmsted (PhD), Supervisor Kai Chan
Anna Schuhbauer (PhD), Supervisor Rashid Sumaila
Maery Kaplan-Hallam (MA), Supervisor Terre Satterfield
The Wint (Ther) Aung (PhD), Supervisor Michael Brauer
Leonard Glaser (MSc), Supervisor Milind Kandlikar