Darlene Seto

Darlene Seto

Portrait photo of Darlene Seto

Darlene Seto

MA with Kathryn Harrison, 2012
Lead: Policy and Partnerships, Foundry BC


Darlene completed her MA at IRES under the guidance of Kathryn Harrison. Since then, she has worked across the social sector, within academia, nonprofit and government settings to improve health and social service systems across BC. She is currently Lead, Policy and Partnerships at Foundry BC.

Carol Tatiana Chamorro-Vargas

Carol Tatiana Chamorro-Vargas

PhD Student

Contact Details


Personal Website: https://www.youtube.com/@caroltrips3505

Professional Profile: https://worcslab.ubc.ca/people/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carol-tatiana-chamorro-vargas-38b2a2127/


Tatiana Chamorro (she/her) is a PhD student in the Working to Restore Connectivity and Sustainability  (WoRCS) Lab at IRES and is supervised by Dr. Claire Kremen. Her research is interdisciplinary  understanding both ecological and social aspects of agriculture transition from extensive cattle ranching farms in Colombia to a diversified agroecological approach named silvopastoral systems. She did a MSc in IRES supervised by Dr. Claire Kremen where she focused on revealing pathways to scaling out agricultural transformation through understanding enablers and barriers for adoption of silvopastoral systems in Colombia and Latin America. She is highly interested in biodiversity conservation, ecology and social equity. She is a recipient of the Philip A. Jones Fellowship and 4 Year Fellowship. 

Prior to joining IRES, Tatiana received her BSc in Biology from the National University of Colombia. Her previous research was focused on the Knowledge and interactions of a rural community in Quininí, Colombia with the herpetofauna of their region and on How the microhabitat and activity pattern of an Andean lizard specie (Stenocercus trachycephalus) changed across an altitudinal gradient in the Andean mountains. She was the coordinator of the Herpetology research group of the National University of Colombia (Herpetos UN) under the supervision of Dr Martha Lucia Calderón Espinoza during the year 2020. Between degrees, Tatiana worked on scientific divulgation and as a Teaching Assistant at the Data Science for All program in Colombia. In her free time, Tatiana enjoys traveling, playing sports (specially volleyball and table tennis), reading, and making youtube videos for her traveling vlog channel @carol_trips.

Charly Lynn Phillips

Portrait photo of Charly Lynn Phillips

Charly Lynn Phillips

MA with Daniel Steel
Scientific Evaluator at the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Public Health Risk Sciences Division
IRES Student Society Trip Coordinator, 2023-24

Research Bio

Charly is an MA student at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) and is supervised by Dr. Daniel Steel. Her research interests are broadly centred on the role of values in policy-relevant debates surrounding sustainable agriculture, especially those regarding meat consumption and animal agriculture.

Prior to beginning her studies at IRES, she worked as a Scientific Evaluator at the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Public Health Risk Sciences Division for two years. There, she was part of a knowledge synthesis and mathematical modelling research team focused on addressing antimicrobial resistance in animal agri-food systems. She holds an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and has previously worked in research groups at The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, ON) in various areas of computational biology.

In her free time, Charly plays violin and piano and loves discovering, dissecting, and discussing new music. She is passionate about knowledge translation and community-engaged research as components of climate activism. In her research, work, activism, and daily life, she takes responsibility for ongoing self-education and action regarding decolonization and equity.

IRES Student Society Bio

My name is Charly and I love music, cooking, and being outside! Along with Tatiana, I’m one of the Trip Coordinators for the IRES Student Society. The focus of our role is planning two trips (one in fall, one in spring) so that we can explore the province together, make memories, and bond outside of an academic context. Our top priority is making these trips inclusive, accessible, and fun for everyone and we are always open to suggestions, so please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

IRES Annual Report 2010

Please click the image to view, and here to download for printing.

IRES Annual Report 2003

Nathaniel K. Newlands

Portrait photo of Nathaniel K. Newlands

Nathaniel K. Newlands

PhD with Tony Pitcher, 2002
Research Scientist, Government of Canada
Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria

Contact Details






Nathaniel is a Research Scientist with the Government of Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Statistics Canada) based at the Summerland Research and Development Centre in British Columbia, Canada. He is an Adjunct Professor in Geography with the University of Victoria, Canada. While at IRES, Nathaniel completed his doctorate in highly migratory, Atlantic bluefin tuna (shoaling dynamics and abundance estimation). Nathaniel’s research work addresses public-good food-water-energy nexus issues and tackles broad, integrated, complex global problems to help support and advance global sustainable development.

Last updated February 2022

Vanessa Timmer

Portrait photo of Vanessa Timmer

Vanessa Timmer

PhD with Peter Nemetz, 1997
Executive Director, OneEarth
Senior Research Fellow, Utrecht University

Contact Details

https://twitter.com/VanessaTimmer https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-timmer-a862b54/ https://www.oneearthweb.org/

Research Interests

Behavioral change, Cities, Climate change, Collaborative Governance, Sustainability


Vanessa Timmer graduated with a PhD in Resource Management and Environmental Studies from UBC in 1997. Vanessa is the Executive Director of OneEarth, a nonprofit ‘think and do tank’ creating and imagining sustainable ways of living in cities and around the world. She is also a Senior Research Fellow at Utrecht University with Pathways to Sustainability, the Urban Futures Studio, and the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. She has studied at Queen’s University, Oxford, UBC and Harvard. Vanessa sits on the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee for the UN Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme. In Canada, she is a board member of the National Zero Waste Council. OneEarth is a global leader on sustainable lifestyles through the Beacon for Sustainable Living co-led with the Hot or Cool Institute. In Canada, OneEarth leads a Lighter Living initiative in SW British Columbia in partnership with Vancity. OneEarth works with cities to enable sustainable living in partnership with C40 Cities and BCIT Centre for EcoCities.

Last updated February 2022