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April 20, 2023: IRES Student Symposium with Rumi Naito and Josh Travers (Last Seminar in Term 2)

April 20, 2023: IRES Student Symposium with Rumi Naito and Josh Travers (Last Seminar in Term 2)

Two IRES students will present their research this week for the IRES Student Symposium!

March 2, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with Sara Barron

March 2, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with Sara Barron

Join Dr. Sara Barron for her presentation exploring a new framework for a scenario-based approach incorporating a design process for planning future urban forests!

March 23, 2023: IRES Student Seminar with Bassam Javed and Sarah-Louise Ruder

March 23, 2023: IRES Student Seminar with Bassam Javed and Sarah-Louise Ruder

Join IRES PhD Candidates Bassam Javed and Sarah-Louise Ruder’s presentations: “Clean and affordable transportation” for all Canadians: Heterogeneity in cost of electrifying passenger transportation in Canada; “Farmer Sociotechnical Imaginaries for Canadian Agri-Food Future”!

March 30, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with Alex Moore

March 30, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with Alex Moore

Join Dr. Alex Moore to learn about the inclusion of cultural values and community-centered conservation interventions!

March 16, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with David Boyd

March 16, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with David Boyd

This week’s IRES Seminar Series features Dr. David Boyd, who will talk about rights-based approaches to climate and environmental action

March 9, 2023: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Derek Gladwin

March 9, 2023: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Derek Gladwin

Join Dr. Derek Gladwin for his talk about digital presence as a process of professionalization.

February 9, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with Sumeet Gulati

February 9, 2023: IRES Faculty Seminar with Sumeet Gulati

Join Dr. Sumeet Gulati to learn about his research on the relationship between forest clearing and fatal human elephant conflict in India.

February 16, 2023: IRES Student Seminar with Erika Gavenus and Shuoqi Ren

February 16, 2023: IRES Student Seminar with Erika Gavenus and Shuoqi Ren

Join IRES PhD Candidate Erika Gavenus for her talk comparing historical and contemporary salmon harvest rates and MSc Student Shuoqi Ren’s presentation about urban environmental justice!

December 7, 2023: IRES Student Seminar with Evelyn Arriagada Oyarzún and Jumi Gogoi (Last seminar in Term 1)

December 7, 2023: IRES Student Seminar with Evelyn Arriagada Oyarzún and Jumi Gogoi (Last seminar in Term 1)

Talk titles:

1. Women+ counter-mapping hydrosocial territories: activists’ practices of knowledge co-production in the Chiloé archipelago (southern Chile) and,

2. Developing a field-scale crop yield prediction model using satellite and environmental data

November 23, 2023: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Jackie Lerner

November 23, 2023: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Jackie Lerner

This presentation will be a frank exploration of careers in environmental consulting. IRES Alumnus Dr. Jackie Lerner has been a consultant to industry and to municipal, Indigenous, provincial, territorial, and federal governments for over twenty-five years. Most of her work has related to the environmental assessment of large resource development projects in Canada: primarily mining and energy projects in British Columbia.