
October 10, 2024: IRES Student Seminar with Alberto Campos

October 10, 2024: IRES Student Seminar with Alberto Campos

Two of our students will be presenting their research: Alberto Campos and another student, TBA!

September 19, 2024: IRES Seminar with Yoonchung Chin

September 19, 2024: IRES Seminar with Yoonchung Chin

What are the biggest challenges to overcome in order to decarbonize heavy industry?
What technological innovation can be adopted and how?
What are the policy implications and priorities to consider?

The IRES Seminar Series resumes in September 2024
April 4, 2024: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Dr. Mark Drever

April 4, 2024: IRES Professional Development Seminar with Dr. Mark Drever

Dr. Mark Drever will speak about his ongoing research on Western Sandpipers and their reliance on essential nutrients available on intertidal biofilm

April 11, 2024: IRES Faculty Seminar with Michael Brauer

April 11, 2024: IRES Faculty Seminar with Michael Brauer

What management policies are necessary for the global health impacts from environmental risks? Dr. Michael Brauer discusses this and more.

April 18, 2024: IRES Student Symposium with Lindah Ddamba, Remzi Xhemalce-Fuentes, Dayna Rachkowski  (Last Seminar in Term 2)

April 18, 2024: IRES Student Symposium with Lindah Ddamba, Remzi Xhemalce-Fuentes, Dayna Rachkowski (Last Seminar in Term 2)

Talk titles at Student Symposium:

1. Energy Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of the Factors Inhibiting Accelerated Progress

2. EXPLORING EMPOWERMENT THROUGH BILL S-5: building government accountability in chemicals management using a right to a healthy environment

3. IMAGINING POSSIBLE ROLES FOR GREEN HYDROGEN IN MEXICO. Between Hype and a Leapfrogging Opportunity

This is why an electric vehicle will cost you more in Ontario than other provinces 

This is why an electric vehicle will cost you more in Ontario than other provinces 

A new study co-authored by PhD student Bassam Javed, Dr. Amanda Giang and Dr. Milind Kandlikar explored electric vehicle costs across different provinces and territories and is featured in CBC News, CTV News, and the Daily Hive

Toolkit launch: Ethical data governance for agriculture | Thursday, March 28, 2024

Toolkit launch: Ethical data governance for agriculture | Thursday, March 28, 2024

How do we benefit from the power of big data in agriculture while protecting data ownership and farmer privacy?

On March 28th at 9am, join a Zoom session to learn about a new toolkit that answers this question!

Project research group: Dr. Sarah-Louise Ruder, Dr. Hannah Wittman, Shauna MacKinnon, Dr. Kelly Bronson, Dr. Dana James, Dr. John Janmaat, Zoé Mangin, Jonathon McIntyre, Dr. Isabelle Piot-Lepetit, Gregory Rekken, and Dr. Sean Smukler Project assistant: Catalina Garcia

Dr. David Boyd & UBC Scholars Talk about the Wrongfully Convicted and Imprisoned Niloufar Bayani

Dr. David Boyd & UBC Scholars Talk about the Wrongfully Convicted and Imprisoned Niloufar Bayani

Please attend a talk by Dr. David Boyd & UBC Scholars at Risk students to learn about Niloufar Bayani, an Iranian wildlife conservationist who was wrongfully convicted and is currently imprisoned.

Labour organizing and climate justice: intersections, challenges, and political opportunities panel | IRES co-sponsored event | March 12, 5-6:30 PM | CIRS, BC Hydro Theatre (1st floor)

Labour organizing and climate justice: intersections, challenges, and political opportunities panel | IRES co-sponsored event | March 12, 5-6:30 PM | CIRS, BC Hydro Theatre (1st floor)

This panel will address two entwined questions: What can the climate movement learn from contemporary and historic labour strategy for building durable power? And, how can the climate and labour movements mutually strengthen one another?