Shannon Hagerman

Shannon Hagerman

Associate Professor and Associate Dean Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Faculty of Forestry

Contact Details



Social-Ecological Systems Research Group

Twitter: @SES_UBC


Shannon Hagerman is appointed in Forestry, not at IRES, and instead is a Faculty Associate of our unit. She may supervise students in our RES graduate program.

My research and teaching interests focus on the interconnected themes of conservation and social-ecological change. I am specifically interested in human behavioural, institutional and policy elements of managing social-ecological systems (SES) in a rapidly changing world.

Here are some of the environmental issues that I am currently working on with my research group:

  • Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation: Perception and governance of risks associated with novel management interventions for biodiversity and natural resources (eg assisted migration, altered fire regimes)
  • Knowledge Politics at the Science-Policy-Management Interface: Social and political processes by which the credibility of different forms of knowledge and expertise is asserted (and contested) from community level to global conservation initiatives
  • Promise and Pushback of Targets-Based Environmental Governance: From the Convention on Biological Diversity to the Sustainable Development Goals, the use and pursuit of targets is enjoying widespread enthusiasm in policy and public spheres. It has also raised fundamental concerns about the potential risks (for both biodiversity and human communities) of governing through goals that are inextricably linked with particular ways of counting and knowing biodiversity.

Prospective students: 

If you are interested in applying social science perspectives and methods to advance understanding of complex conservation and management dilemmas, please get in touch via email with a letter of interest and CV.