Our Values
Statement of Values
We are an intentionally diverse group of colleagues. Individually, we have experienced discriminations on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, and/or as part of racialized communities. Yet, we are aware that we are also the beneficiaries of colonialism, privilege and good fortune. We bring these realizations to how we embrace all members of our community and conduct our work.
Our offices are situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) People. Indigenous Peoples in Canada have long suffered at the hands of colonisers, and the governments of Canada & British Columbia. This continues today. The University of British Colombia is engaging with Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) and other First Nations to address this regrettable history and its ongoing legacy. Nevertheless, we realize that we have a very long way to go.
We strive to be an inclusive community in that we seek to embrace diversity in its many dimensions. Our research methods are often collaborative, and focused on achieving equity in access to resources and in exposure to risks. We acknowledge the many problems of powerlessness and humanity’s limited capacity to act, and thus often seek solutions that enable diversity of knowledge, equity in process and outcomes, and hope in the long and short term.
Some of our research seeks to inform society about more sustainable patterns of decision-making and decision outcomes, including those which counter prevailing assumptions within and beyond the academic and policy communities. Our research also seeks to bring to light injustices faced by marginalized populations, and to maintain focus on the most egregious crimes against the environment and humanity. There is much to do in academic research, professional engagement beyond academia, and through personal actions. We welcome ideas and invite you to use the resource links below.
Eradicating systemic bias is an ongoing process. In surveying our community we identified two actionable, corrective measures. First, while equity, diversity and inclusion have long been guiding values of IRES’s admissions process and research culture, we need to make these attitudes explicit. We hope our Statement of Values is one step to further this aim. Second, we need resources for more inclusive teaching especially for individuals who are first generation immigrants or students and for those whose first language is not English. We are updating this page as more of those resources become available.
IRES Decolonization, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) Committee Terms of Reference
The IRES DEDI Committee was formed in 2023 to provide advice, strategic planning, and coordination to advance efforts in IRES towards equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization. Please click here to learn why these terms were chosen for the mandate of this committee, and to learn about the Committee’s Objectives, Roles and Responsibilities, and more.
Indigenous Research Support Initiative
Community-based research at UBC is grounded in local partnerships and perspectives. At UBCV, Indigenous research partnerships are supported by the Musqueam Memorandum of Affiliation signed by UBC and the Musqueam Indian Band in 2006. Similarly, Indigenous research at UBCO is supported by the Okanagan Nation Alliance Memorandum of Understanding, which originally dates to 2005 and is renewed every few years.
A part of the portfolio of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI) office, the Indigenous Research Support Initiative (IRSI) provides professional support and services for Indigenous research collaborations across both UBC campuses.
https://linktr.ee/IRSI: IRSI UBC list of resources
The National Inquiry must look into and report on the systemic causes of all forms of violence against Indigenous women and girls, including sexual violence. We must examine the underlying social, economic, cultural, institutional, and historical causes that contribute to the ongoing violence and particular vulnerabilities of Indigenous women and girls in Canada. The mandate also directs us to look into and report on existing institutional policies and practices to address violence, including those that are effective in reducing violence and increasing safety.
While the formal name of the Inquiry is “the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls,” our mandate covers all forms of violence. This makes our mandate very broad. By not being limited to investigating only cases of Indigenous women who went missing or were murdered, we can include women and girls who died under suspicious circumstances.
It also means we can address issues such as sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, bullying and harassment, suicide, and self-harm. This violence is interconnected, and can have equally devastating effects. Expanding the mandate beyond missing and murdered also creates space for more survivors to share their stories. They can help us look to the future from a place of experience, resilience, and hope.
Native Land Digital is a Canadian not-for-profit organization, incorporated in December 2018. Native Land Digital is Indigenous-led, with an Indigenous Executive Director and Board of Directors who oversee and direct the organization. Numerous non-Indigenous people also contribute as members of our Advisory Council. The Board of Directors govern finances, set priorities, and appoint staff members as required.
Native Land Digital strives to create and foster conversations about the history of colonialism, Indigenous ways of knowing, and settler-Indigenous relations, through educational resources such as our map and Territory Acknowledgement Guide. We strive to go beyond old ways of talking about Indigenous people and to develop a platform where Indigenous communities can represent themselves and their histories on their own terms. In doing so, Native Land Digital creates spaces where non-Indigenous people can be invited and challenged to learn more about the lands they inhabit, the history of those lands, and how to actively be part of a better future going forward together.=
We harness the combined potential of young people, volunteerism, and social media to broadly disseminate credible information that is critical, conversational, and compassionate. ‘Settlers Take Action‘ is an initiative that was born out of the recognition that Non-Indigenous folk who live in Canada benefit from the colonialism that happened here. That means we are all responsible for our personal role in reconciliation.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Report and Calls to Action
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) makes available here digital copies of important and relevant reports for Survivors and their families, researchers, media and the public.TheTruth and Reconciliation Commission Reports listed here were issued or created by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). These digital copies can be accessed or duplicated at no charge from the NCTR website. All reports are in the public domain (link to the report: https://ehprnh2mwo3.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Calls_to_Action_English2.pdf)
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
We are provincial organization with a 20-year history of providing services to Indian residential school survivors.
The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS) is governed by an elected Board of Directors from six regions of B.C. Our Board of Directors are also Survivors or intergenerational Survivors of Residential School. The Board of Directors is responsible for the funding of the organization and delegates it’s day-to-day duties to the Executive Director, Angela White. The Executive Director is hired by the Board of Directors and holds full responsibility for the implementation of Board initiatives and policies and hiring staff.
We are national Indigenous charitable organization with the mandate to educate and create awareness and understanding about the Residential School System, including the intergenerational impacts such as the removal of generations of Indigenous children from their families, including Sixties Scoop, post-traumatic stress disorders that many First Nations, Inuit and Metis continue to experience, all while trying to address racism foster empathy and understanding and inspire action to improve the situation of Indigenous people today. The LHF supports the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors, and their families and seeks their input on projects that honour them.
Inspired by Chanie’s story and Gord’s call to build a better Canada, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund aims to build cultural understanding and create a path toward reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Our goal is to improve the lives of Indigenous people by building awareness, education, and connections between all Canadians.
Born from the vision of Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, Gwawaenuk Elder, Reconciliation Canada is leading the way in engaging Canadians in dialogue and transformative experiences that revitalize the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. Our model for reconciliation engages people in open and honest conversation to understand our diverse histories and experiences. We actively engage multi-faith and multi-cultural communities to explore the meaning of reconciliation. Together, we are charting a New Way Forward.
Through the development of meaningful partnerships and community outreach programs, Reconciliation Canada has delivered a series of Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops across Canada, hosted events during Reconciliation Week in September 2013, including the Walk for Reconciliation engaging 70,000 people in Downtown Vancouver, and co-hosted events in Ottawa and Vancouver to coincide with the closing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Each person has an important role to play in reconciliation. Reconciliation begins with oneself and then extends into our families, relationships, workplaces and eventually into our communities.
An initiative designed for and by Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour at UBC – on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) people.
https://indigenousinitiatives.ctlt.ubc.ca/about/mailing-list/ Suscribe to newsletter of Indigenous initiatives UBC
https://irshdc.ubc.ca/2021/06/21/statement-on-national-indigenous-peoples-day/ Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre
Virtual Events and Workshops
- Summer Solstice Indigenous Festivals: https://summersolsticefestivals.ca
Exploring Multigenerational stories
- McKenna McBride
- Wilfred Laurier petition
- Indigenous Foundations
- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
- UN Declaration or UNDRIP
- Indigenous films at the National Film Boardof Canada
- The 4th World book
- Lament for Confederation
- Canada 150
- UBC Library’s Research guide features a comprehensive list of podcasts and new media by Indigenous creators and artists – Podcasts – Indigenous New Media – Research Guides at University of British Columbia (ubc.ca)
- The Truth Sharing Podcasts(Partage des vérités): The Truth Sharing Podcasts is a project inspired by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, that gives life to the truth and creates a living legacy of commemoration. This series of podcasts visited five Canadian communities to seek out and give voice to those who have experienced loss, examine the ways in which those affected are trying to heal, and shine a light on those trying to bring about positive change: The Truth Sharing Podcasts (Partage des vérités) (sacredmmiwg.ca)
- Historica Canada’s Residential School Podcast Series: Hosted by Shaneen Robinson-Desjarlais, this podcast series provides insights into the specific impacts and experiences of the Residential School System on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit respectively: Residential Schools Podcast Series | The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Coffee with my Ma: A podcast created by actress Kaniehtiio Horn that places the audience at the kitchen table with her and her mom, Kahn-Tineta Horn. Kahn-Tineta Horn has always told great stories about her life as a model in the 1960s, and as a fierce advocate for Mohawk rights. Now her daughter, actress Kaniehtiio Horn, wants the world to hear them on her podcast: Coffee With My Ma on Apple Podcasts
- The Secret Life of Canada podcastoffers a quick overview of the Indian Act, the primary legislation governing the lives of First Nations people in Canada. This act has been foundational in destabilizing Indigenous sovereignty, and its policies have enabled monumental injustices against Indigenous peoples for generations, especially Indigenous women.
Suggested Books and Readings
- UBC Learning Circleoffers events and recordings for education, professional development and wellness.
- The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report: Read and review the 94 calls to action; choose one and make a list of ways you can commit to enacting change in your community: pdf (trc.ca)
- National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Final Report. Content warning: this report contains information around violence towards Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+. The report provides stories from Survivors, Knowledge Keepers and Family members. This report brings attention to violence within Indigenous communities while outlining possible avenues for improvement.
- Vancouver Public Library, Indigenous People’s day book list – VPL – National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21st 2018 | Vancouver Public Library | BiblioCommons
- Xwi7xwa Library:Xwi7xwa has a substantial number of resources and books available that provide information about violence against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+. These resources are limited during COVID but many can be found online – X̱wi7x̱wa Library | Xwi7xwa Library (ubc.ca)
- https://www.cbc.ca/books/35-books-to-read-for-national-indigenous-history-month-1.5585489
Health and Wellness
For resources for finding mental, emotional and cultural support, please visit our health and wellness page.
- National Indian Residential School Crisis Line – Indigenous Services Canada offers a national Indian Residential School Crisis Line to support former Residential School students. The crisis line provides emotional and crisis referral services 24 hours a day.
- 1-866-925-4419
- Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) – provides essential services to Residential School Survivors, their families, and to those dealing with intergenerational traumas.
- Main: (604) 985-4464
- Toll free: 1-800-721-0066
The Black Lives Matter Vancouver chapter is a cause that supports the organizing work of black folks and allies in undoing systemic racialized violence. BLM is a cause cognizant of the ongoing struggles of all marginalized folks and we strive to honor that in the work we do. We centre the voices of Black folks as well as other folks of colour and hope to lift up those who are queer, women, trans, differently abled, poor or otherwise marginalized.
“This database was created to create one singular place that is easily identifiable, and accessible to the people of Vancouver, as well as the other resistance groups and individuals across Canada. This is Vancouver’s first step to intercommunalism within the Black Revolution.”
- NEEDED: “ Academic research. Research on racism, fascism, Black history- everything. If we ever want to outsmart our enemy, we need to fight them against their own logic and through the fields they validate the most. Having more research a part of the database will also highlight the areas in research that need more work and Black inclusivity.” [among other calls for community action and engagement]
- Contact Taryn Birkett, taryn@cloudland.ca
- URGENT ACTIONS: Petitions and calls-to-action
- Including letter/email templates to reach out to political offices in Vancouver
Hogan’s Alley Society (Vancouver): The Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS) is a non-profit organization composed of civil rights activists, business professionals, community organizations, artists, writers and academics committed to daylighting the presence of Black history in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia. HAS adopts research driven approach to community development that seeks to preserve and promote the historical, cultural, societal and economic contributions made by Black Settlers and their descendants to Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, the Province of British Columbia, the Pacific Northwest and Canada. With this history in the archives, HAS is in process of developing partnerships with local government and business interests to acquire and develop land and operate assets as a community land trust.
BC Community Alliance: “The BCCA is a community based organization dedicated to combating the structural inequities created by anti-black racism”
Kiwassa Neighbourhood House (Hastings–Sunrise): “For over 60 years we have worked in partnership with residents, community agencies, businesses, government and non-government organizations, using a community development and capacity building approach to identify and respond to community needs in East Vancouver.”
National Congress of Black Women Foundation - BC: “The mandate is fulfilled through community-based services, personal and professional development programs across Canada. The NCBWF began locally in British Columbia to secure funding in order to advance opportunities for black women and girls and has grown into a multi-faceted, non-profit organization that operates nationally.
The NCBWF sponsors educational, social cultural and health related programs and projects. These projects are designed to meet the needs and concerns of black women and their families by enhancing their quality of life.”
Black Women Connect Vancouver: “Black Women Connect Vancouver is a collective of women who come together to inspire, empower, leverage our strengths and embrace our diverse experiences. It’s a community where we can build meaningful relationships, and celebrate the beauty of black womanhood.”
Canadian Anti-racism Network: “the Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society is a registered non-profit society and has charity status. The purpose of the Society is to: Track and monitor hate group activity; Provide victim support services for hate crime and systemic racism; Provide public education about institutional racism, hate groups and hate group recruitment; Help youth leave hate groups; Liaise with law enforcement and other agencies on racism and hate group activity; Work with and support organizations with similar objectives; Advocate for legislative change to help stop systemic racism and hate motivated activity”
Black Youth Helpline: Canada-wide helpline for black youth; community-based project founded by youth
Black Business and Professional Association: “Founded in 1983, the BBPA is a non-profit, charitable organization that addresses equity and opportunity for the Black community in business, employment, education and economic development.”
Black Health Alliance: “The Black Health Alliance is a community-led registered charity working to improve the health and well-being of Black communities in Canada. Building on our track record as an effective mobilizer and champion, we continue to grow our movement for change. Driven by groundbreaking research, strong partnerships, and people, this movement continues to build innovative solutions to improve Black health and well-being, and mobilize people and financial resources to create lasting change in the lives of Black children, families and communities.”
Black Lives Matter Toronto: “OUR VISION: To be a platform upon which black communities across Toronto can actively dismantle all forms of anti-black racism, liberate blackness, support black healing, affirm black existence, and create freedom to love and self-determine.”
Black Space Winnipeg: “Founded by members of Winnipeg’s Black community, Black Space Winnipeg is a grassroots, organization that fosters organic dialogue on everyday experiences of being Black. Spreading perspectives of Afrocentrism, and Pro-Black conversation, Black Space Winnipeg creates safe spaces for people of colour through hosting community events, artist demonstrations and workshops. Black Space Winnipeg challenges anti-Black racism and discrimination, building inclusivity across all sectors in Winnipeg for Black people.”
Black Legal Action Centre: “Non-profit community legal clinic that provides free legal services for low or no income Black residents of Ontario”
Harriet Tubman Community Organization: “As a non-profit agency Harriet Tubman Community Organization is dedicated to building meaningful and developmental relationships with young people, experiencing racialization between the ages of ages of 8 – 25 years old. Using Harriet Tubman’s collaborative model, we partner with diverse institutions, organizations, community groups and individual allies to establish a ‘railroad’ network of resource to keep Black (African) young people and others who relate engaged in positive activities. We provide strength-based, youth centered and culturally relevant programs that foster identity development, life skills and education.” [Ontario]
Stolen from Africa: “For the past 13 years, SFA has worked diligently on developing culturally-relevant educational resources and programming for racialized youth and students marginalized from mainstream education. Through project funding from The Laidlaw Foundation, Canadian Heritage, the Toronto and Ontario Arts Councils, ArtReach Toronto and small pockets of TDSB funding, we’ve been able to produce short educational documentaries and provide alternative multi-media arts education programming and curricula for marginalized students and youth across the GTA and in Southern Ontario.”
Black Women in Motion: “Black Women in Motion is a Toronto-based, youth-led organization that empowers and supports the advancement of black womxn and survivors of sexual violence. We work within an anti-racist, intersectional feminist, trauma-informed and survivor-centred framework to create culturally-relevant content, educational tools, healing spaces and economic opportunities for black womxn.”
The Well Collective: “The Well Collective is built on a community informed model, meaning all of our offerings are shaped by the communities with whom we work. This includes geographic and non-geographic based communities. Our offerings are always evolving and transforming as our the needs of our communities.” [Toronto-based, online content]
Federation of Black Canadians: “We partner with people that believe in the promise of black canadians. The Federation of Black Canadians is a national, non-profit organization, driven by organizations across the country that advances the social, economic, political and cultural interests of Canadians of African descent.”
We're the Resource Group at UBC for gender and sexual diversity, and we're looking for volunteers! We're looking for facilitators for our discussion groups, members and coordinators of our committees - we're looking for you! Don't be shy, newcomers are encouraged! Send us an email at prideubc@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/prideubc/
https://orice.ubc.ca/programs/research-collectives/ Collective for gender equity and gender research at UBC
https://endingviolence.org/ The Ending Violence Association of BC (EVA BC) is a dynamic, solutions-based provincial association based in Vancouver, Canada. We launched in 1992 as the BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs, then changed our name to EVA BC in 2009. Since our start, we have trained and supported more than 300 anti-violence programs and cross-sector initiatives across the province that respond to sexual and domestic violence, child abuse, and criminal harassment.
https://www.cgshe.ca/ Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE)
Drawing on more than a decade of cutting-edge research and policy work, the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity (CGSHE) was formally established as an academic centre in 2018. CGSHE is a University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University academic centre housed at Providence Health Care, with more than 30 faculty members and over a 100 staff and trainees.
https://canadianwomen.org/ Canadian Women’s Foundation
The Foundation funds programs in the following issue areas: Out of violence, out of poverty, empower girls, inclusive leadership
Inclusive teaching for Faculty: courses, readings, handouts: https://inclusiveteaching.ctlt.ubc.ca/resources/resources-for-faculty/
A short checklist for inclusive assessments that could help you identify priorities https://provost.tufts.edu/celt/files/Inclusive-Assessment-Chart-1.pdf
More EDI resources: https://equity.ubc.ca/
Peer-reviewed papers and other documents:
- Pulling Together: A guide for Indigenization of post-secondary institutions - This is a great resource for folks who are just starting the process of decolonizing or indigenizing your course content.
- Will Valley’s paper on Equity Competencies for sustainable food systems education programs. I felt like Table 8 could be widely used across other units as well to consider what core competencies might be.
- Will Valley posted this workbook called "Developing stamina for decolonizing higher education: A workbook for Non-Indigenous people".
Writing Centre UBC: https://writing.library.ubc.ca/
English Language support: https://guides.library.ubc.ca/internationalstudents/englishsupport#s-lg-box-10151655