Navin Ramankutty
Director, IRES
Professor, IRES
Professor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Canada Research Chair (T1, Sustainable Global Food Systems)
Contact Details
AERL Room 425
2202 Main Mall
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
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Navin Ramankutty is Professor and Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 1 in Data Science for Sustainable Global Food Systems at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and IRES. His research program aims to understand how humans use and modify the Earth’s land surface for agriculture and its implications for the global environment. Using global Earth observations and numerical ecosystem models, his research aims to find solutions to the problem of feeding humanity with minimal global environmental footprint.
He was the awardee of the Wihuri International Prize in 2020. He contributed to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report and to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He was an editor of the journal Global Food Security and Global Ecology and Biogeography, and is an Associate Editor of Environmental Research Letters. He is a Leopold Leadership Fellow.
RMES 500T Global Food Security and Sustainability
Featured Publications
- Sidhu, B. S., Z. Mehrabi, N. Ramankutty, and M. Kandlikar, How can machine learning help in understanding the impact of climate change on crop yields?, Environ. Res. Lett., 18(2), 024008, 10.1088/1748-9326/acb164, 2023.
- Ricciardi, V., Z. Mehrabi, H. Wittman, D. James, and N. Ramankutty, Higher yields and more biodiversity on smaller farms, Nature Sustainability, 10.1038/s41893-021-00699-2, 2021.
- Ramankutty, N., Z. Mehrabi, K. Waha, C. Kremen, M. Herrero, and L. Rieseberg, Trends in Global Agricultural Land Use: Implications for Environmental Health and Food Security, Annual Review of Plant Biology, 69, 2018.
- Seufert, V., N. Ramankutty, and J. A. Foley, Comparing the yields of organic and conventional agriculture, Nature, 485(7397), 229-232, 2012.
- Foley, J. A., N. Ramankutty, et al., Solutions for a Cultivated Planet, Nature, 478(7369), 337-342, 2011.