Mauricio Carvallo Aceves

Portrait photo of Mauricio  Carvallo Aceves

Mauricio Carvallo Aceves

PhD student, P. Eng.

Peter Wall Legacy Award

Les Lavkulich Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service, 2023

Mitacs Accelerate Fellow

Four Year Fellowship Recipient, NSERC Alexander Graham Bell

IRES Student Society Co-President, 2022-2023

Contact Details

Research Interests

Adaptation, Climate change, Environment, Infrastructure systems, Natural hazards, Participatory action research, Policy and Decision-making, Resilience, Sustainability, Urban Sustainbility, Vulnerability and risk


Mauricio joined IRES in 2020 as a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Chang. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at ITESO (Mexico) in 2012. Having lived in big cities all his life, he quickly became passionate about sustainable urban development. Through his involvement in various projects during his undergraduate studies, Mauricio started working on infrastructure, and more specifically, drainage networks. He later went on to study a Master of Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal in 2014, focusing on sustainable stormwater management. Beyond the technical aspects of infrastructure, Mauricio is interested in a more holistic analysis by incorporating aspects such as social perception and acceptance, environmental impacts/benefits, and economic costs.

After his Master’s degree, he went on to work for 4 years as a municipal engineer in the Montreal area, setting up and calibrating drainage network models for developing long-term water management plans.

Through his doctoral studies, Mauricio aims to contribute to climate change adaptation strategies by improving our understanding of the trade-offs of different coastal adaptation strategies under uncertain sea level rise scenarios, in the hopes of developing more robust long-term plans. He is also participating in the Resilient-C project, an online platform seeking to connect coastal communities across Canada to exchange ideas on strategies for facing coastal hazards. His work at IRES is supported by  an NSERC – Canada Graduate Scholarship.

When he is not working, chances are Mauricio is out on a terrace with friends or practicing lindy-hop with a swing dance troupe.

Featured Publications

Carvallo Aceves, M., Fuamba, M., & Angui, J. (2017) Water Quality Performance of In-series BMPs. Journal of Water Management Modeling, doi: 10.14796/JWMM.C430

Sebti, A., Carvallo Aceves, M., Bennis, S., & Fuamba, M. (2016). Improving Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms for BMP Implementation in a Combined Sewer System. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 04016030.

Carvallo Aceves, M. Fuamba, M., (2016). Methodology for selecting Best Management Practices integrating multiple stakeholders and criteria. Part 1 : Methodology. Water 8 (2), 55 doi:10.3390/w8020055

Carvallo Aceves, M. Fuamba, M., (2016). Methodology for selecting Best Management Practices integrating multiple stakeholders and criteria. Part 2 : Case study. Water 8 (2) 56 doi:10.3390/w8020056