Kaitlyn Gaynor

Kaitlyn Gaynor

Assistant Professor in the Departments of Zoology and Botany, UBC

Contact Details

Lab website: https://gaynorlab.weebly.com/

Google Scholar: 

kaitlyn.gaynor [at] ubc [dot] ca


Kaitlyn Gaynor is appointed in Zoology and Botany, not at IRES, and instead is a Faculty Associate of our unit. Gaynor may supervise students in our graduate program.

Dr. Kaitlyn Gaynor is an Assistant Professor in the departments of Zoology and Botany, based in the Biodiversity Research Centre and affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory. Research in the Gaynor Lab examines the effects of human activity on global biodiversity, with emphases on (1) the behavioural responses of animals to human presence, (2) the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on predator-prey and other species interactions, and (3) the socio-ecological dynamics of conservation and coexistence. This work involves large-scale data synthesis and meta-analyses, and local field studies in North America and Africa. 

If you are interested in a graduate position in the Gaynor Lab, please visit the “Join Us” page on the lab website for more information on whether the lab is accepting new students, and information on how to reach out about opportunities.