Joséphine Gantois
Assistant Professor, IRES
Assistant Professor, Land and Food Systems
Contact Details
LFS Profile: https://www.landfood.ubc.ca/josephine-gantois/
Joséphine Gantois is an Assistant Professor in Human Dimensions of Biodiversity Conservation, jointly appointed in the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability and in the Food and Resource Economics Program. Her research is motivated by the need to assess and address the ecological footprint of humans in natural and agricultural landscapes. She is interested in evaluating practical solutions to reconcile private land use incentives and conservation goals, especially in agricultural areas; in monitoring biodiversity outcomes and ecosystem functions at large scales; and in estimating the causal impact of land use choices and conservation policies on biodiversity. Her research combines approaches, data, and knowledge from economics and ecology primarily, with an emphasis on causal inference, but also draws from remote sensing and machine learning tools.