Annegaaike Leopold Msc, has joined the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, working as Co-PI with Dr. Gunilla Oberg, on a research program aimed at building transparency into the regulatory process of risk assessment and management of organic chemicals, specifically in the face of scientific controversies. This builds seamlessly on her background as EUROTOX registered applied environmental toxicologist with 30 years of experience in the field of regulatory ecotoxicology and environmental fate. Over the past 20 years she has focused on endocrine ecotoxicology, evaluating effects of potential endocrine disruptors in birds and amphibians as well as fish. Working on the hazard and risk assessment of potentially endocrine disruptive chemicals, has allowed her to work closely with scientists representing different opinions in the scientific debate on endocrine disruptors. This has led her to science for policy research program she currently working on at EGESTA. As President of the European branch of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), she is also contributing to shaping the future of science and risk communication of environmental research in SETAC.
A significant portion of career Annegaaike has worked as an executive manager in the contract laboratory world. This has allowed her to develop skills as project manager, working in a planned and systematic way, directing and executing business development, expanding and deepening client relationships, leading and developing multidisciplinary teams. She is also a keen scientific organiser of workshops and conferences on cutting edge environmental topics. Annegaaike had an international childhood and she is bilingual (Dutch-English).