About IRES
Welcome to the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). We are a problem-focused and curiosity-driven interdisciplinary research institute and graduate program, with interest and expertise in a wide range of topics under the realm of environment and sustainability.
We are the home of the Resources, Environment and Sustainability (RES) graduate program, a diverse and dynamic collective of interdisciplinary students focused on a wide range of problems and issues under the umbrella of the environment and sustainability.
RES students are supervised by IRES Core Faculty and our Faculty Associates from other departments are UBC.
IRES Core Faculty also supervise students in other graduate program at UBC through join appointments across campus. Each faculty’s co-appointments are noted on their profiles.
IRES faculty teach undergraduate courses, including significant engagement with the Environmental Sciences program. Our Courses page provides a list of undergraduate courses we teach.