Bulgan Batdorj
PhD Student, Institute of Asian Research Fellow
Contact Details
Research Interests
Bulgan Batdorj is a Ph.D. student at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, supervised by Professor Nadja Kunz. Before joining the IRES, Bulgan completed her master’s degree at the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering. In her master’s thesis, she focused on theories of collaborative governance, resource course, wicked problem and social networks, basing it on the case of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative in Mongolia.
In her doctoral work, Bulgan examines whether there is a correlation between participatory processes and improved mining outcomes, with improvement defined as a reduced mining-related conflict resulting from improved trust and understanding and increased mining-related initiatives.
Before her academic journey, Bulgan conducted policy analyses of the mining sector, foreign policy issues, and media coverage at the Canadian Embassy in Mongolia for over seven years. She also worked with Young Women for Change and has assisted in the first production of V-monologue in Mongolia.
In addition to her academic work, you will find her articles on Mongolian democratic development on the Mongolia Focus blog and other media. She also sits on the board for BC Mongolians society. In her free time, she gardens and tends to her houseplants.
Bulgan lives in Vancouver with her husband and two daughters.
Featured Publications
Fraser, J., Kunz, N. C., & Batdorj, B. (2019). Can mineral exploration projects create and share value with communities? A case study from Mongolia. Resources Policy, 63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2019.101455
Mongolia Focus
Batdorj, B. (2021. February 28). Mongolian democracy through the lens of Animal Farm. Mongolia Focus. Retrieved October 19, 2021, from http://blogs.ubc.ca/mongolia/2021/mongolian-democracy-animal-farm/.
Other media
Batdorj, B. & Dierkes, J. (2020, May 22). Mongolia’s Next Election Will Feature New Types of Candidates: The breadth of Mongolian democracy is widening. The Diplomat. https://thediplomat.com/2020/05/mongolias-next-election-will-feature-new-types-of-candidates/
Batdorj, B. (2020, July 29). Mongolia and the Survival of Democracy in an Authoritarian Neighborhood. Italian Institute for International Political Studies. https://www.ispionline.it/en/pubblicazione/mongolia-and-survival-democracy-authoritarian-neighborhood-27098